
PIS/PASEP: Will the 2021 calendar be paid in 2022?


With calendar 2020 payments due March 31, 2022, workers are now awaiting payment for the 2021 base year calendar.

People who worked at least 30 days in the base year with a formal contract and who received the value of up to 2 minimum wages (R$ 2,424.00) receive PIS/PASEP (Social Integration Program/Public Servant Asset Training Program). ).

Caixa Econômica is responsible for paying amounts to those who work in the private sector (PIS). Banco do Brasil is responsible for paying public servants (PASEP).

The government, together with Codefat (Worker Support Fund Deliberative Council), are responsible for defining the payment schedule. Until now, the government has kept the new calendar secret.

What is the PIS/PASEP 2021 payment forecast?

The payment of the PIS/Pasep 2021 calendar was scheduled to take place in 2022, after the government brought forward the bonus for the base year 2020. However, the new PIS/PASEP calendar for 2021 has not yet been defined.

Codefat must decide the dates for paying PIS in the second semester. If payments are made later this year, they should be transferred in the last quarter of 2022.

It is estimated that the government will announce the dates for receiving the 2021 bonus only at the beginning of 2023, as well as in 2022, where the schedule was released in February.

PIS/PASEP 2020 table

The new PIS calendar can be determined by the value of the benefit, as the calculation of the ceiling is always based on the value of the minimum wage. Therefore, the next salary bonus will have to be adjusted according to the minimum wage defined for 2023.

The announcement of the salary floor for 2023 should take place at the end of January, when the conclusion of the INPC (Broad National Consumer Price Index) for 2022 will be announced, which is scheduled for 8%. However, the updated PIS value is up to R$ 1,308.96.

See the calculation table for the salary bonus amounts for the base year 2020 (paid in 2022) for the total number of months worked:

Proportion (months worked)Bonus value in 2022
1R$ 101.00
2R$ 202.00
3R$ 303.00
4R$ 404.00
5R$ 505.00
6R$ 606.00
7R$ 707.00
8R$ 808.00
9R$ 909.00
10R$ 1,010.00
11R$ 1,111.00
12R$ 1,212.00

Who is entitled to PIS/PASEP withdrawal?

See who is entitled to PIS/PASEP:

  • Workers with an average monthly salary of up to two minimum wages in the base year (2020); 
  • Be registered with PIS/PASEP for at least five years; 
  • Anyone who worked for a minimum period of 30 days in the base year; 
  • Employers must provide correct employee data in the Annual Social Information List (RAIS).

There are around 500,000 people who have not yet withdrawn their salary bonus for 2020. The deadline is still open and runs until December 29, 2022.

See more:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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