
Nubank announces calendar with dates to increase card limits; check out

Nubank decided to create a credit analysis calendar so that all customers can follow it and know when the long-awaited limit increase might arrive.


Nubank increases my limit there!, Wow, Nubank, where is my limit?!. Phrases like this can be read on social media every day, especially in the comments on Nubank posts.

And the bank's response is more or less the same as always:

“We carry out a daily credit analysis to check the possibility of increasing the limit. The analysis takes into account several criteria, from how you use your “purple” to your data available on the market.”

However, doubts remain and the questions keep coming. Therefore, Nubank decided to create a credit analysis calendar so that all customers can follow it and know when the long-awaited limit increase might arrive.

According to the bank, monitoring can be done through the App itself. The function is called limit evolution.

Credit analysis regularly

Nubank regularly analyzes each customer's profile to determine whether it is possible to increase the credit limit. These analyzes are carried out proactively, that is, even without a specific request from the customer. 

The Bank's objective is to ensure that it offers an appropriate limit for each individual. As everything is based on data and information, it is important that customers try to keep their data and information up to date.

Limit evolution

These reviews will continue to occur. What changes now is that instead of waiting without knowing when their profile will be analyzed and the limit will be increased – if applicable – the customer will be able to see the data from the next analysis directly in the Nubank application. 

The new feature is not yet available to everyone, but will be launched gradually, the digital bank announced. However, if available, the “Limit Evolution” button will appear and, when clicking on it, the customer will be directed to the next screen, where they can view and enter the following information:

  • Desired limit: the value you consider ideal (even if you consider it high); 
  • Limit analysis: here are the data for the next analysis or in certain cases the reason for the momentary interruption of the analysis; 
  • Last analysis result
  • Action and habit tips that can help you increase your limit.

Find out how to track your limit analysis calendar: 

  • On the application's home screen, click on “Credit Card”; 
  • Then tap “Adjust limit”, the bottom button that appears; 
  • Then, the “Limit Evolution” option will appear. (This option does not yet appear for all customers, but most can now consult it) 
  • There you can check when the next analysis of your limit will be.

Check out some tips on how to improve your profile

There is no specific rule on how the long-awaited credit boost can be achieved, but there are some things customers can do to increase their chances of getting a higher limit. Check it out below:

Keep your income up to date: regularly send proof of income, as up-to-date as possible, so that the bank can assess how much credit it can give you without compromising your financial life; 

Pay your bill on time: is important. And it is also important to always pay the full amount of bills by the due date. This way, the bank understands that you can maintain your payments and release more;

Focus your spending on your credit card: Once you reach a limit, use it for all types of purchases. Of course, always make sure you don't buy more than you can afford, use your card instead. One tip is to even use it for small purchases, like at the bakery. Even if it's R$ 1.99 to spend. So the analysis understands that the card is necessary in your life and that you really use it a lot. If you pay the bill on time, voila, it will be perfect;

Keep your CPF clean: This is important to get the widest range of financial services, including credit limits. This is a very important point in credit analysis;

Build a relationship: Sometimes the bank just doesn't know you well enough, so it's important to follow the previous steps and build a relationship with the institution so they feel comfortable giving you more credit.

How do I check my card limit?

See how easy and fast it is:

  • Open the Nubank app on your cell phone; 
  • Click on the “Credit Card” part; 
  • Slide left; 
  • In green, the available limit will appear.

How to adjust the card limit?

  • Open the application; 
  • In the credit card section, click on “Adjust limit”; 
  • Drag the purple icon to the left to decrease the value or to the right to increase it.

See below some myths and truths about increasing the Nubank card limit

Will referring several friends to Nubank guarantee you a limit increase?

Myth! There is no connection between the two facts; 

If you use your current limit well, can you get a limit increase?

True! Using the limit well and paying the entire bill on time are behaviors that can help you get that raise; 

Does a high limit at other institutions guarantee a high limit at Nubank?

Myth! The relationship with Nubank does not reflect and does not depend on the relationship with other institutions;

Does avoiding installments help increase the limit?

True! Healthy card usage behavior can contribute to increasing the limit; 

With a high income do you have a higher limit?

Myth! There are many factors that Nubank uses to evaluate the credit limit. Income is not the only thing; 

Can concentrating your spending on your Nubank credit card help?

True! Along with other information, focusing your spending, making good use of your limit and paying the total bill on time can help.

Does a Nubank account guarantee an increase in your credit card limit?

Myth! The Nubank account is not a guarantee of a limit increase. However, it is a chance for the bank to better understand your financial habits; 

Will paying the bill in full by the due date help?

True! This contributes significantly to achieving limit increases.

See more:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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