


Physicists use quantum mechanics to extract energy from nothing

Physicists have achieved a feat in the field of quantum mechanics that seems to defy the laws of physics: extracting energy from empty space.



Facebook loses its position as the most valuable network in the world to TikTok; Look

Facebook is one of the most used social networks in the world, but over the last few years another network has established itself and quickly become popular, TikTok.



Will daylight saving time return in 2023? Understand

Daylight saving time was introduced in Brazil in 1931 during the government of Getúlio Vargas, but it was not implemented without interruption until 1985.



Twitter: Elon Musk goes back and asks for the return of some fired people to the platform

Last week was quite intense on Twitter following Elon Musk's acquisition of the company for US$ 44 billion (R$ 222.5 billion).

Real Digital: Brazil creates first units of the new currency; check out

This Thursday (20) the first units of Real Digital, the digital currency of the Central Bank (CBDC) of Brazil, began to be produced.

Events October 20, 2022

Solar eclipse will not be visible in Brazil; See how to follow live online

The second and last partial solar eclipse of 2022 will happen in October. During the phenomenon, the Moon obscures part of the Sun's disk, providing a beautiful view.

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Events October 14, 2022

Tesla Semi Truck 'Disassembles' on Road in the United States

Unforeseen events always happen, but the problem is when they accidentally become public. That's what happened with the Tesla truck.

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Events October 12, 2022

DART mission changed the orbit of the asteroid Dimorphos, says NASA

After weeks of analyzing data from the DART mission, scientists concluded that the spacecraft successfully changed the orbit of the asteroid Dimorphos.

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