
ChatGPT: 3 secret commands to customize the chatbot

Most people use ChatGPT as a question and answer tool, but the AI also has some secret commands.


Most people use the ChatGPT just as a Q&A tool, but the AI also has some secret commands. With this technique it is possible to enable functionalities to expand the capabilities and customize ChatGPT.

In the mIRC style, it is possible to write the settings with the forward slash (/) and adjust the interaction according to the preferences or needs of the user.

3 advanced commands to train ChatGPT

Commands must be entered on the ChatGPT chat screen and they work in Brazilian Portuguese.

/Configure Temperature [value]

The first on the list is the temperature command, which allows you to set the model's response style from 0 to 1. See how it works:

  • If the added value is high (between 0.6 and 1.0), the responses will be more creative and random;
  • If the added value is closer to zero (0.1 and 0.5), the answers will have a more direct and coherent format.

High temperature mode allows you to create more original content. However, the chances of error are also greater, for this reason, it is necessary to be cautious when using it.

/Configure Maximum Tokens [value]

The second command in the list is the most complex, but it has a simple function: defining the total number of characters generated in a response. Tokens involve numbers, letters, spaces and symbols used in answers – the maximum number of entries is 4096.

Limiting the number of tokens to a defined value can be excellent for keeping the generated content smaller, but it can reflect on the creativity of the response. To return to standard mode, simply close the current window and start a new conversation.

/Configure Response Mode [mode]

The user can select between 3 different response modes for ChatGPT according to their taste. The 3 available modes are as follows:

  • Safe;
  • Neutral
  • Bold.

Each response style has a specific footprint in both text and content. In safe mode it is possible to avoid controversial answers, while in bold mode the answers offered can be more creative and unpredictable.

Chatbot can be used in more creative ways

If you have difficulty connecting to the internet while using ChatGPT, you can try some solutions. Network Error is more common than you think, but it can be minimized by following some strategies.

It is important to remember that ChatGPT has some limitations on access to information. Except in developer versions, which already access the internet, the model seeks its information from its training in huge databases.

But if you are experiencing difficulties, such as health problems, sadness or depression, it is best to stay away from the chatbot. Although he tries to help with difficult issues, the ideal is to always seek help from a professional so as not to trigger any worse triggers.

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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