
How to pay IPVA with credit card? Complete guide!

Check out the step-by-step instructions for issuing your invoice and see how to make the payment using a credit card - including, see the advantages and disadvantages that this method entails.


Find out how to pay IPVA using a credit card

See how to pay IPVA in installments – Source: Adobe Stock.

Paying Motor Vehicle Ownership Tax (IPVA) is an annual responsibility for vehicle owners in Brazil. 

Traditionally, this tax is paid through bank slips, electronic transfers or at authorized service counters. 

However, an alternative that has gained popularity in recent years is paying IPVA with a credit card.

Therefore, continue reading to find out how to pay IPVA using this payment method.

How to pay IPVA using a credit card?

Check out the necessary steps – Source: Adobe Stock.

Paying IPVA using a credit card can be a convenient option for many people. Here are the general steps you can follow to make this payment:

  1. Choose a payment platform: Choose a digital payment platform that offers the option of paying bills, including the IPVA bill, with a credit card.
  2. Create an account on the platform: register on the chosen platform. Generally, you will need to provide basic information and create an account associated with your phone number or email.
  3. Link your credit card: After creating the account, link your credit card to the platform. Typically, this process involves adding card details such as card number, expiration date and security code.
  4. Get the IPVA bill: Access the Detran website in your region or the specific payment platform and download the IPVA invoice. This document usually contains a unique barcode.
  5. Open the platform and scan the bill: open the payment platform application, choose the option to pay bills and use your device's camera to scan the bill's barcode.
  6. Choose the form of payment: Select the credit card payment option. Depending on the platform, you can choose the number of installments you want, if installments are allowed.
  7. Confirm the transaction: Check the details of the transaction, including amounts and bill information. Then confirm the payment.
  8. Receive confirmation: After payment confirmation, the platform usually provides a receipt and the IPVA amount will be posted on your next credit card statement.

Some well-known digital wallets that allow IPVA to be paid via credit card are: Zapay; RecargaPay; Paybank; Mercado Pago; 99 Pay and PicPay.

How to issue the IPVA bill?

To generate the IPVA 2024 invoice, simply follow this practical guide: initially, access the Detran or Treasury Department website in your state. You can facilitate the search using terms such as “Detran” or “Secretaria da Fazenda + UF”.

Therefore, navigate to the specific IPVA section on the website. There, click on the “payment” option and fill in the requested data, including RENAVAM, vehicle license plate and CPF.

Then issue the payment slip. You have the option of making the payment online through your bank or, if you prefer, print the invoice to pay at a bank branch or lottery outlet.

Remember the importance of meeting the payment deadline to avoid interest and fines. 

How to calculate the IPVA value?

The IPVA value is calculated according to the market value of the vehicle, which is an estimate of the vehicle's market value, and the tax rate of the state where the vehicle is registered.

In fact, the market value can be consulted through the Fipe table for September 2023. This is the basic formula for calculating the IPVA:

  • The basic formula for calculating IPVA is: IPVA Value = Venal Value of the Vehicle × State Tax Rate


Fipe table

Venal value Fipe table

Check the market value of your vehicle on the official Fipe Table website.

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Is it possible to pay IPVA in installments via card?

Yes, it is possible to pay IPVA in installments using a credit card, an option that provides greater financial flexibility for taxpayers. 

However, it is crucial to be aware that this convenience does not come without additional costs. When choosing to pay in installments, interest rates are common, which are added to the total amount of tax at the time of division into installments. 

The specific rate varies according to the platform chosen to make the IPVA payment, requiring a careful assessment of the conditions offered by each available option.

Advantages and disadvantages of using a credit card as a method of paying IPVA

After all, what are the pros and cons of this payment method? – Source: Adobe Stock.

Using a credit card to pay IPVA presents benefits and challenges to be considered. 

Among the advantages, ease stands out, allowing for an agile and convenient process through digital platforms.

Furthermore, the installment option offers financial flexibility, while some cards provide rewards programs, such as accumulating miles, for example.

However, it is crucial to consider the fees involved, as some platforms charge for the transaction, and paying in installments may result in additional interest. 

Additionally, card payment acceptance varies, so it is essential to confirm whether the option is available at your local DMV. In fact, delays in processing payment can result in fines and even blocking of the vehicle.

Therefore, when choosing to use a credit card for IPVA, a careful analysis of the specific conditions of each platform and card is imperative, ensuring a financially responsible decision aligned with individual needs.

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