
Caixa Tem: How to request a loan of R$ 1 thousand on the app?

The first step to access Crédito Caixa Tem is a digital savings account in the application developed by Caixa.


In the first half of 2022, the federal government launched the Income and Opportunities Program, which includes several measures that will inject R$ 150 billion into the Brazilian economy. The program included the anticipation of the 13th INSS salary for 30.5 million insured people, a new emergency FGTS withdrawal for 42 million Brazilians and the creation of the SIM Digital (Digital Microcredit Simplification Program) for entrepreneurs.

Another novelty that is part of the Income and Opportunity Program is the expansion of the credit margin granted to INSS pensioners and retirees, in addition to releasing loans from Auxílio Brasil and BPC and granting loans to people with bad names at SPC and Serasa.

After the announcement, which was attended by Pedro Guimarães, former president of Caixa, paying agent for various benefits granted by the federal government, many Brazilians looked for information on how to access the Crédito Caixa Tem loan. See how you can request it.

App updates can be done via cell phone

The first step to access Crédito Caixa Tem is a digital savings account in the application developed by Caixa. With the start of Emergency Aid payments in 2020, Caixa included millions of Brazilians who did not have bank accounts into the financial system through the creation of a savings account at Caixa Tem.

In the last 2 years, more than 100 million Brazilians had an account opened by the bank to receive some benefit from the government such as Emergency Aid, PIS/PASEP allowance, BEm or Emergency FGTS.

How do I open an account at Caixa Tem?

Brazilians who do not yet have a Digital Social Savings Account can download the application for free on Google Play or the App Store and create a registration by providing the requested data and photographing an identity document (RG or CNH). After this step, simply wait 24 hours for access to the account to be granted.

Digital savings at Caixa Tem allows customers to move money through the app to pay bills and bills, make purchases with a virtual debit card, transfer funds to other accounts and withdraw money with the cardless withdrawal option.

Caixa Tem Social Savings has no monthly maintenance fee and offers the following free services: 

  • Up to 2 withdrawals without a card (digital withdrawal) per month at self-service terminals, lottery outlets or correspondents;
  • Up to 3 transfers per month, to accounts at other institutions or banks;
  • Unlimited transfers to Caixa accounts;
  • Unlimited transfers and receipts through Pix;
  • Carrying out consultations digitally, using apps or websites made available by Caixa.

People who receive benefits from the federal government through Caixa Tem can update their social account to a digital savings account by accessing the “Update your Registration” option within the application. Updating Caixa Tem is mandatory for the user to request Caixa Tem credit. 

Most data can be updated via cell phone, such as address, income and occupation. After that, the registration is sent for analysis and the user is notified in the application when the process is completed, without needing to look for an agency.

Other data that gives access to the Caixa Tem account, such as the user's telephone number and email address, can only be changed at a Caixa branch for security reasons. 

Many customers blocked their Caixa Tem account after registering several times on the same cell phone or changing their phone number (chip). Unlocking the Caixa Tem account can be carried out at a bank or lottery, having on hand the cell phone on which the application was installed and an identity document with a photo (RG or CNH).

Caixa Tem loan is now available

Caixa Econômica Federal launched the digital microcredit option for users of the Caixa Tem application in September last year. Loans from R$ 300 to R$ 1,000 were released according to a calendar created according to the customer's month of birth. Crédito Caixa Tem offers interest of 3.99% per month and a payment term of 24 months. 

The new microcredit lines introduced in the Income and Opportunity program have been available since March 28th and will have new features. Now access to credit will be available to a greater number of customers, and the interest rate will start at 1.95% per month. A loan of up to R$ 1,000 for an individual can be taken out directly through the app.

The Microcredit Simplification program for small entrepreneurs (SIM Digital) should serve 4.5 million entrepreneurs in the next 12 months. The credit modality offers the contracting of up to R$ 3 thousand for corporate customers, with interest starting at 1.99% per month and installments of up to 24 months.

Caixa Tem Credit is available to Caixa account holders who have more than 12 months of invoicing as MEI and present proof of residence and personal and business documents. For this group, hiring must be done in person at Caixa branches.

See more:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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