
Caixa Tem: How to apply for an Auxílio Brasil loan?

The Auxílio Brasil program surpassed the mark of 21 million beneficiaries in 2022 and some of the beneficiaries can request loans of up to R$ 1 thousand on the Caixa Tem App.


The Auxílio Brasil program surpassed the mark of 21 million beneficiaries in 2022 and some of the beneficiaries can request loans of up to R$ 1 thousand on the Caixa Tem App.

The Federal Government announced a new fast credit line in partnership with Caixa. From October 11th, beneficiaries will be able to request consigned credit of up to R$ 2,500 at lottery agencies and outlets.

The bank also offers the possibility of microcredit through the application. Caixa Tem Credit, with amounts between R$ 300 and R$ 1,000, is available to anyone with a digital account on the app, including Auxílio Brasil beneficiaries and those with a negative CPF.

Who can apply for Caixa Tem credit?

The credit line at Caixa Tem is aimed at family managers (RF). Only they, in the name of those receiving the benefit, will be able to request the amounts. 

To take out the loan, you must have a digital savings account in the Caixa Tem application and meet some criteria established by Caixa Econômica Federal. See what they are:

Caixa Tem Loan for Individuals from Auxílio Brasil:

  • Contracting from R$ 300.00 to R$ 1,000.00 (amount is approved according to payment capacity);
  • Interest rate of up to R$ 3,99% per month;
  • Payment in installments up to 24 months.

Caixa does not take debt into account and does not include housing contracts and unused overdraft and credit card limits.

How do I request Caixa Tem credit?

Auxílio Brasil beneficiaries can take out the loan directly through the Caixa Tem application. As mentioned above, you must have a digital savings account in the app to take out credit.

Even for those who are unable to access the amount through the application, the loan can be taken out through a physical bank branch.

When accessing the application, the user must update their Caixa Tem registration so that their account becomes a Digital Savings account. Simply click on the “Update your registration” option to confirm or complement the data requested, such as income information, address, professional occupation, among others.

After updating the registration, the user's data will be sent to Caixa for the analysis process. If there are no discrepancies, the user can request a loan of R$ 1,000 from Caixa Tem. According to the bank, the deadline for loan approval is up to 10 days.

The group of individual microentrepreneurs (MEIs) is also authorized to take out a loan of up to R$ 3,000 from Caixa Tem. In this case, the entrepreneur must have a legal entity account (operation 003) or contact Caixa branches to request the resources.

Auxílio Brasil consignment is now released to beneficiaries

The type of loan that makes up the Income and Opportunity Program announced by the Federal Government is the Auxílio Brasil consigned credit. The law, which extends the loan to beneficiaries of social programs, allows the beneficiary to commit up to 40% of the monthly value of the benefit.

Unlike the Caixa Tem personal loan, the Auxílio Brasil payroll loan does not require the beneficiary to go through a credit analysis phase to have the contract approved, as the loan installments are deducted directly from the payroll.

The loan for Auxílio Brasil beneficiaries has lower interest rates than other microcredit operations, with a maximum of 3.5% per month, well below credit card rates. Caixa Econômica Federal announced an interest rate of 3.45% per month for payroll loans.

Main points about the Auxílio Brasil consignment:

  • Available for 25 million on Auxílio Brasil and BPC; 
  • The number of installments cannot exceed 24 consecutive monthly installments; 
  • The interest rate cannot exceed 3.5% per month; 
  • The contracted credit is made to the account into which the Auxílio Brasil is paid; 
  • The charging of TAC (Credit Opening Fee) and other administrative fees is prohibited; 
  • It is not permitted to set a grace period for the start of the installment payment.

At the beginning of July, the National Congress approved the provisional measure, which expands the allowance for beneficiaries of the social program, and in August the text was approved by President Jair Bolsonaro.

Banks were waiting for the publication of the decree from the Ministry of Citizenship to start offering Auxílio Brasil loans. Now on October 11th, institutions will begin offering the Auxílio Brasil consignment. See the banks authorized to offer credit:

  • Caixa Econômica Federal
  • Banco Agibank S/A
  • Banco Crefisa S/A
  • Banco Daycoval S/A
  • Capital Consig Sociedade de Crédito Direto S/A
  • Facta Financeira S/A Credit, Financing and Investment
  • Pintos S/A Credits
  • QI Sociedade de Crédito Direto S/A
  • Valor Sociedade de Crédito Direto S/A
  • Zema Crédito, Financing and Investment S/A

See more:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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