
Brazil aid consignment: interest rate will be lower. check out


The president of Caixa Econômica Federal, Daniella Marques, said this Tuesday (9) that the public bank will apply the lowest interest rate on the market for Auxílio Brasil payroll loans. The rate is still defined by the internal governance of the institutions, but, according to her, the commitment is that it be the lowest on the market.

It is an opportunity to raise awareness. If the customer is in debt, he may not know that he can exchange a more expensive debt for a cheaper one, said Daniella at a press conference launching the Caixa pra Elas program, in São Paulo. This is what the Brazil aid allocation seeks to cover.

For her, the allocation of Brazilian aid requires the bank's responsibility. The country's private banks said they will not operate the line because they believe that the target group is highly vulnerable and also because of the uncertainty surrounding the values of Auxílio Brasil next year.

In addition to the Auxílio Brasil consignment, Daniella informed that Caixa should soon offer a line of credit for small businesses through machines. In their opinion, in the second half of this month the government should renew the PEAC operational guarantee fund and guarantee an additional R$ 30 billion in loans.


Female audience looking for Brazil aid consignment

Consignado do auxílio brasil: taxa de juros será menor

Caixa opened 250 spaces for women and this number should rise to 4,000 by the end of the year, according to the president of the public bank. According to Daniella, the financial market is still not very accessible to women.

The language of the finance market does not encourage most women. There is no suggestion, understanding or translation of how a woman's everyday concern translates into a financial product, she said. We will have products with specific languages and developments for women.

Daniella also highlighted that Caixa Econômica Federal focuses its credit activities on micro and small entrepreneurs. Under the National Support Program for Micro and Small Enterprises (Pronampe), the bank has already committed R$ 4.5 billion since the start of the new round on the 25th, she said.

The executive also stated that the bank is positioning itself as a gravitational hub to connect businesses that combat violence against women. She explained that Banco do Brasil, BNDES (National Bank for Economic and Social Development), Sebrae, MRV and other companies have already joined Caixa in this commitment.

Daniella also highlighted that Caixa brought forward the Auxílio Brasil payment plan of R$ 600 and wants beneficiaries of the programs to know that they can open a CNPJ without losing performance.

See too:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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