
Will the Auxílio Brasil consignment have a maximum value?

The Auxílio Brasil payroll loan rules were published in an ordinance in the Official Gazette on the morning of September 27th.


The decree for the new loan that is giving the beneficiaries of Auxílio Brasil something to talk about has already been published. The federal government approved credit with direct payroll deduction by the Union and the remaining amount will be paid on the program's calendar days. There are currently 20.65 million beneficiaries who receive Auxílio Brasil.

The payroll loan rules were published in an ordinance in the Official Gazette on the morning of September 27th. The maximum number of installments, the interest rates to be calculated and the amounts to be withdrawn were specified.

What is Auxílio Brasil’s payroll loan?

The Auxílio Brasil payroll loan is a credit made available to beneficiaries by banks and financial institutions. The amounts are deducted directly at the source, giving banks more security in paying the installments. 

Until then, the payroll was only available to INSS (National Social Security Institute) retirees and pensioners, formal workers and public servants.

Maximum consignment value

It was established that considering the value of R$ 400, the Auxílio Brasil recipient will be able to deduct up to 40% from the value of the benefit.

Therefore, the maximum installment amount is R$ 160. The interest rate, in turn, cannot exceed 3.5% per month (the bank can set lower amounts if desired), and the maximum installment is 24 installments. 

Comparing interest rates with other types of credit, according to data from the Central Bank in June, the average monthly interest rates were as follows:

  • 1,70% – allocated to public servants; 
  • 1,85% – total personal payroll; 
  • 1,97% – allocated to INSS retirees and pensioners; 
  • 2,61% – allocated to private network workers;
  • 3.52% – average monthly interest rate for individuals; 
  • 7.16% – special check; 
  • 13,77% – revolving credit card.

Firstly, banks and financial institutions must be accredited by the Government to offer the loan

As the rules were recently defined, institutions must publish their terms over the weeks.

What is the maximum loan amount from Auxílio Brasil?

No limit was defined to be approved by banks. However, as the average installment to be deducted from the payroll is up to R$ 160 and the maximum payment period is 24 installments, the total amount would be: 160 x 24: R$ 3,840.00 to be paid during the period.

Therefore, depending on the profile and length of relationship with the institution, banks must release up to R$ 2,500.00 for each beneficiary. It is up to each bank to determine the amount to be released.

See more:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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