
Emergency Aid: New consultation on retroactive payments opened in September


Around 400 thousand Brazilians may still be entitled to up to 5 installments of Emergency Aid. The benefit created in 2020 during the pandemic, had the groups with retroactive payments released only in 2022. The announcement of the release of the new values occurred at the beginning of the year, and payments still need to be made for the group that was included most late among those approved.

The Citizenship Secretariat approved a budget for these new payments through Provisional Measure MP 10,841, which now includes the group of single parents who are heads of families, to receive a single share of the retroactive amount. The approved PEC dos Precatório increased the release of resources to the tune of R$ 4.1 billion to amortize payments for the group of 1.3 million male heads of families.

The value of the additional installment varies between R$ 600 and R$ 3,000 depending on the value of the installments received by the beneficiary in the period from April to August in 2020, when Emergency Aid payments began. Now they will be entitled to another quota, as was the case with mothers who were heads of families during that year.

What are the amounts of retroactive Emergency Aid?

According to the Ministry of Citizenship, the amount to be paid to the group of single parents may vary according to the number of installments received between April and August 2020. Those who received the aid since the beginning of the program announcement in 2020.

  • Beneficiaries who received the 5 installments in 2020 (from April to August) – retroactive payment of R$ 3,000; 
  • Beneficiaries who received 4 installments in 2020 (from April to July) – retroactive payment of R$ 2,400; 
  • Beneficiaries who received 3 installments in 2020 (from April to June) – retroactive payment of R$ 1,800; 
  • Beneficiaries who received 2 installments in 2020 (from April to May) – retroactive payment of R$ 1,200; 
  • Beneficiaries who received only 1 installment in 2020 (April only) – retroactive payment of R$ 600;

How can I consult Emergency Aid?

The consultation method was changed by Dataprev. Now, to check who will be eligible, the website is open: https://consultaauxilio.cidadania.gov.br/consulta/

Only the full name, date of birth and CPF number were required for consultation. Now, login can only be done through a Gov account, involving several Federal Government services.

For those who do not have a Gov.br login, they must create a new account to access.

To make payments, the Ministry of Citizenship will check whether single-parent families follow the same rules that are required for families headed by women. See what will be checked:

  • Public of the Single Registry and Brazil Aid (formerly Bolsa Família): It will be analyzed during the process whether the single father is registered as a Responsible Family Member and has received the Simple Emergency Aid Quota, and whether he does not have a spouse or partner and whether there is at least one child under 18 years of age in the family.

Another group called, called Extracad, which is not part of Auxílio Brasil nor the Cadastro Único, received retroactive installments from Caixa Tem in January this year.

When will Emergency Aid retroactive payments be paid?

To date, the government has not announced when it will pay Emergency Aid retroactive payments for this group, which is still entitled to additional installments. It is necessary to be careful, as the installments that will be deposited will return to the Union's coffers within 120 days, if the amounts are not moved.

See more:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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