
Children can receive a minimum wage of R$1,212. Understand


Did you know that children and young people may be entitled to a monthly minimum wage? However, the service is only intended for people with any type of mental, physical, intellectual or sensory disability. This right is guaranteed and paid by the INSS through the BPC or Continuous Payment Benefit. So this group of people can receive a payment of R$ 1,212 per month.


See how children and young people can receive R$ 1,212 through BPC 

As we explained, children or young people with any type of physical or mental disability can receive payments from the BPC. In 2022, the value is R$ 1,212, a minimum wage. Elderly people who have never contributed to the INSS and are low-income are also entitled to the amount if they are just over 65 years old.

However, it must be said that, to obtain the BPC value, children and young people, as well as the elderly, must be registered in the unit's registry. This is because the government uses the CadÚnico database to decide who social programs are paid to. 

Finally, to be entitled to continued benefit, the person in question must also:

Be Brazilian (native or naturalized) or have Portuguese nationality and reside in Brazil; 

have a per capita family income not exceeding one quarter (25) of the minimum wage; 

as a person with a disability, it is necessary to submit to the INSS medical opinion; 


All members of the family group must be registered with CadÚnico to request the benefit.

Finally, after registering with the Single Registry, simply access the Meu INSS portal via the website or application (Android and iOS) and register to receive the BPC benefit. If you have any questions, contact the INSS call center on 135. 

Remember, you do not need to contribute to the INSS to be entitled to the Continuous Payment Benefit (BPC).

See too:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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