
Will the Auxílio Brasil October schedule be brought forward?

Today, the 30th, the September Auxílio Brasil calendar ends, but beneficiaries are already looking ahead to next month.


Today, the 30th, the September Auxílio Brasil calendar ends, but beneficiaries are already looking ahead to next month. The amounts will be passed on to more than 20.65 million families covered by the additional benefit, which now has a minimum value of R$ 600.

This value is temporary and is valid until December, the validity period of the PEC dos Benefícios. For October, the payment will be even higher, as the Gas Auxiliary benefit is paid on the same day according to each beneficiary's final NIS.

The federal government admitted more than 450,000 new families in September, reducing the program's waiting list to zero. 

Brazil Aid and Gas Valley of R$ 710

In October, beneficiaries can receive the Gas Aid payment in addition to the R$ 600 of the Brazil Aid. The benefit is paid every two months. This month the value of the benefit is R$ 110 per registered family. Together with Auxílio Brasil, the total amount to be paid in October should be around R$ 710.

As the Brazil Aid payments for August were brought forward, there are doubts about the payments for October. There is still no information about the schedule being brought forward.

Scheduled dates for October

Payments will start on the 18th and will continue until the 30th of October, paying beneficiaries according to the final NIS number.

  • Final NIS 1: payment on October 18th;
  • Final NIS 2: payment on October 19th;
  • Final NIS 3: payment on October 20th;
  • Final NIS 4: payment on October 21st;
  • Final NIS 5: payment on October 24th;
  • Final NIS 6: payment on October 25th;
  • Final NIS 7: payment on October 26th;
  • Final NIS 8: payment on October 27th;
  • Final NIS 9: payment on October 28th;
  • Final NIS 0: payment on October 31st.

Consigned loan has already been released

On Tuesday, September 27th, the decree regulating the Auxílio Brasil payroll loan was published in the Official Gazette. Now banks and financial institutions can offer loans to this public, previously forgotten due to their low purchasing power. 

The maximum interest rate that can be charged is 3.5% per month, according to the regulations governing the loan. The maximum payment term is 24 months.

So far, Caixa, Banco Pan, Pic Pay and AgiBank have confirmed that they will offer the loans. Banco do Brasil is still analyzing it, but should also offer soon. Other banks such as Santander, Itaú and Nubank said they will not release resources for this segment of the population, fearing a negative image of exploitation of the most vulnerable.

See more:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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