
Date for release of Auxílio Brasil consignee confirmed

Brazilians still search daily for information about the loan announced by the government for those who are part of Auxílio Brasil.


Brazilians still search daily for information about the loan announced by the Jair Bolsonaro government for those who are part of Auxílio Brasil. The program's audience is 20.65 million people.

And the release of the consignment may still take time. According to the Ministry of Citizenship this Wednesday (21), negotiations with authorities and institutions to release the Auxílio Brasil loan are underway, but there is still no firm date for the beginning of the loan offer.

Law 14,431, sanctioned on August 3 of this year, provides for the release of a consigned loan for beneficiaries of Auxílio Brasil and also of BPC (Continuous Payment Benefit). However, since President Jair Bolsonaro approved the law, many difficulties have arisen in regulating the sport.

Therefore, the credit is not yet in force, even though the Minister of Citizenship, Ronaldo Bento, predicted that the release would take place in September, it has not yet happened.

Consigned after the 1st round of elections

Government officials told the newspaper The globe that releasing the loan before the first round of the 2022 elections was not viable.

The reason for the delay is the impasse in defining the maximum percentage of interest that should be charged on operations.

For Minister Ronaldo Bento, there must be an interest ceiling, as occurs in loans granted to INSS retirees and pensioners.

Members of the liberal wing say that the market should decide. Thus, the banks would be responsible for the decision and there would be no limit.

Loan debt

Another issue discussed is the risk of debt among the country's most vulnerable population. According to some experts, the modality should stimulate bank profits for the poorest segment.

According to financial institutions interested in the operation, the annual interest taken into account is around 80% per year, much higher than the rates offered to INSS beneficiaries.

The Citizenship Secretariat is trying to speed up the operation, but the government hopes that the modality will be released in the second half of October.

The Auxílio Brasil consignment

The payroll loan will be offered to beneficiaries of Auxílio Brasil and BPC. Thus, the installments are deducted directly from the payroll and the Union only transfers the remaining value of the benefit to the citizen.

The loan may compromise up to 40% of the total value of the benefit, considering the fixed value of R$ 400, and not R$ 600, as the additional amount is only expected until the end of 2022.

Therefore, the loan installments cannot exceed the value of R$ 160, leaving only R$ 240 for the monthly support of the beneficiary family, which is a low value, considering the current price of the products.

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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