
INSS: Retirement may increase with the STF decision


In February this year, the STF (Federal Supreme Court) approved the “Whole Life Review” of the INSS (National Social Security Institute) in a virtual session. 

However, minister Kássio Nunes Marques requested that the vote be carried out in person, which would take the score to zero.

What is the INSS Whole Life Review?

It is important to highlight that when requesting a lifetime review, the insured must be sure that the measure will be beneficial. Because in some cases it is possible that the correction will further reduce the value of the benefit.

The INSS lifetime review requires the inclusion of social security contributions made before 1994, as these charges are currently not included due to the transitional rule introduced in 1999.

It turns out that the municipality pointed out that it had difficulties in calculating the value of the benefit after the change in the national currency, which was determined by the 1994 real plan, since the values had to be converted.

Therefore, the whole life review was created to take into account all of the insured's contribution wages when calculating their retirement. But it is only beneficial for those who made larger contributions before the mentioned year.

Who can request a Whole Life Review?

Therefore, the review can be requested by all insured persons who received any of the following benefits after 1999 and before November 13, 2019, when the pension reform came into force:

  • Retirement by time of contribution; 
  • Age Retirement; 
  • Special retirement; 
  • Retirement of People with Disabilities; 
  • By disability retirement; 
  • Death pension; 
  • Sickness benefit.

Furthermore, before requesting a lifetime review of the INSS, the insured must be convinced that it is worth it. To do this, the three points must be observed:

  • Have had good salaries before 1994; 
  • Have few contributions after 1994; 
  • Having started earning less after 1994.

It is situations like this that guarantee a good increase in the value of the INSS benefit through the life review.

How do I request the INSS Whole Life Review?

It is important to highlight that any citizen needs the assistance of a lawyer specialized in this area to request a review of the INSS' entire life. He needs to analyze the account to see if it is really worth requesting a review.

See the documents required for the application: 

  • RG; 
  • CPF; 
  • Copies of receipts and/or paychecks from that time; 
  • National Register of Social Information (CNIS); 
  • Letter of Granting Benefits; 
  • Bonus notice and initial pension calculation report; 
  • Finally, the Administrative Process (AP) of the benefit (the user can request it via the website, through the “Meu INSS” application or by calling 135).

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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