
Pix failure: customers can be compensated for unavailability


At the beginning of August, the Ministry of Justice informed banks Santander, Nubank and Inter of Pix's insolvency. Customers reported problems with Pix and banks had 10 days to explain what happened to the National Consumer Secretariat (Senacon).

According to bank customers, the payment method was delayed in completing operations. In some situations, the service was completely unavailable. The inconvenience was even greater due to many people receiving their salary that day and taking time off to pay their bills.

Banks receive notification to explain Pix error 

Falha no Pix: clientes podem ser compensados por indisponibilidade

Several users complained about the difficulty in completing transfers through banking applications. They reported that transactions began, but Pix failed, which prevented the operation from being completed. Due to this unexpected situation, the money left the account, but did not reach its destination.

This generated many doubts and concerns among customers. Customers who tried to use the PIX payment method rushed to the Internet to look for similar cases and guides and also registered the problem. The Department of Justice intervened, claiming that flaws in Pix could result in banks being held liable for damages caused to users.

The last round of 05 was mainly about Santander, Nubank and Inter. The 3 respective service providers may be held responsible and must compensate their customers due to the inconvenience that occurred. The banks responded to questions from Valor Invest in response to Pix's failures.

According to the portal, Nubank said that the episode was corrected on the same day. Meanwhile, Inter bank said that the service had become unstable and that the problem would be resolved soon. Santander told Exame Invest that the instability is opportune.

See too:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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