
FGTS Anniversary Withdrawal can reach R$4 thousand


The FGTS offers some workers a payroll that allows them to reimburse up to R$ 4,000. Never heard?

This payment is made annually by Caixa Econômica Federal through the so-called birthday discount or Birthday Withdrawal. This is an alternative modality to withdrawal due to deprivation, which allows a portion of the FGTS to be withdrawn annually in the employee's birthday month. So, to find out more, check out below.


Find out more about the FGTS Anniversary Withdrawal 


So, the first point to clarify about the Birthday Withdrawal is that each employee can withdraw a different amount. This is because withdrawal allows you to withdraw up to R$ 4,000 from your balance, however there is a limit for each active or inactive account. In addition to this percentage, it is also possible to redeem an additional fixed rate.

Saque Aniversário do FGTS pode chegar a R$4 mil

Furthermore, anyone who wishes to participate in the birthday discount must ask Caixa to do so. You must sign up before the last day of your birthday month. With birthday withdrawal, the money is available until the last day of the second month after the birthday. So, if you were born in August, you have until October 31st to withdraw your FGTS.

Regarding the amount to be released through the Birthday Withdrawal, the balance range must be observed. For those who have up to R$ 500, for example, it is possible to withdraw 50 of the amount. Anyone who has between R$ 1,000.01 and R$ 5,000.00 can withdraw 30. And so on. Anyone earning more than R$ 20,000 can only withdraw 5, which is R$ 2,900, the largest amount that can be withdrawn from the FGTS. With the additional fee, the value comes to almost R$ 4,000! 

See too:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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