
Auxílio Brasil distributes new cards in September; See how to unlock

The installments of R$ 600 of Auxílio Brasil began to be released on the 17th. Payments would initially start on the 19th of September.


The installments of R$ 600 of Auxílio Brasil began to be released on the 17th, Saturday. Payments were initially scheduled to start on September 19th. The anticipation occurred after Caixa Econômica made some changes to payment dates. This August, two beneficiary groups will receive advance installments.

With the addition of new families, the government is also expanding the distribution of the new Auxílio Brasil card. Deliveries of the new model began in July for families who have been in the program since November last year. According to an estimate from the Ministry of Citizenship, around 6.6 million new cards will be distributed in the coming months.

Around 3.2 million program participants received the new card in July alone. In the latest round of payments, Caixa reported that another 4.7 million cards were issued to those who were approved to receive the R$ 600 benefit in August.

In September, the government announced that the Auxílio Brasil waiting list was reset once again. Thus, starting this month, more than 450,000 new families will be included in the program to receive the benefit. By the end of 2022, the government plans to include around 1.4 million beneficiaries and expand the program to more than 21.6 million families.

New Auxílio Brasil card

The new Auxílio Brasil card has received a more modern version and now has a chip that allows purchases to be made using the debit function via the machine. Previously, payments were only possible using the Caixa Tem QR Code, virtual debit card or making a cash withdrawal without a card.

When selecting families to receive the card, the government will take into account beneficiaries enrolled in the program as of November 2021 and the quality of payment channels, prioritizing families located in municipalities where there are no Caixa payment channels or with overloaded payment channels.

These selected families will receive the new Auxílio Brasil card through the Post Office. Shipping will be made to the address provided by the Family Responsible in the Single Registry, so it is necessary to keep the family's data up to date.

How do I track the delivery of the new card?

It is possible to track the sending of the Auxílio Brasil card through the Caixa call center by calling 4004-0104 (capitals and metropolitan regions) or 0800-1040104 (other regions).

How to unlock the card?

To unblock the Auxílio Brasil card, the beneficiary must call Caixa's customer service channel at the number 111. During the call, you must have the necessary documents on hand: Auxílio Brasil card, NIS number (Social Registration Number) and ID and CPF number. 

After completing the procedure over the phone, the beneficiary must go to a Caixa branch or lottery outlet and present an identification document to complete the registration or re-registration.

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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