
Google Stadia will end its service in January

Stadia now joins the other 273 products that Google has stopped offering throughout its existence.


Stadia, which offers streaming games from Google and launched in November 2019, will end its services on January 18, 2023. The information was published by Phil Harrison on the official Stadia website. 

The end of Google Stadia

When it ceases operations, Stadia will exist for three years and two months, with 94 games released for the platform. Stadia was not launched in Brazil. However, users in other countries who purchased games, controllers, and subscriptions will receive a refund.

Despite Google being one of the leading names in cloud computing and its cloud gaming technology being praised, the service did not go forward.

A few years ago, we launched a consumer gaming service called Stadia. And while Stadia's approach to consumer game streaming was built on a strong technology foundation, it hasn't found the traction we hoped for among users, which is why we've made the difficult decision to discontinue our Stadia streaming service.“, Harrison said in the post.

Harrison also says that the technology developed in Stadia can be applied to other areas of Google such as YouTube, Play Store and the development of augmented reality. 

The Stadia help page has a section for questions about the service shutdown, and among the answers, the company says it cannot guarantee that game progress will carry over to other platforms and that it only depends on whether the title in question has crossplay or not.

Rumors of Stadia's end began circulating in 2021, when several studios closed and several bosses left the project. Google stated at the time that the service continued to be of great interest to the company and that it had many games in development and support for developers. 

Other services terminated by Google

Stadia now joins the other 273 products that Google has stopped offering throughout its existence. The list includes Hangouts, Chrome Apps, Cardboard and Game Builder. There is a website that lists all the services offered by the company, the Google Graveyard (Google Cemetery, in free translation).

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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