
BPC: New value is confirmed for 2023; check out

Following what was determined by Lula, starting in May, BPC beneficiaries will have their payments readjusted to a new value.


On May 1st, President Lula signed an MP that provides for an increase in the minimum salary in Brazil. Now, the monthly remuneration amount has been adjusted from R$ 1,302 to R$ 1,320. The text with the increase in value was published in the DOU (Official Gazette of the Union) and is now valid throughout the country.

The change resulted in several modifications to the Federal Government's social programs, such as the BPC or Continuous Payment Benefit, which deposits a monthly minimum wage for seniors aged 65 or over, as well as people with disabilities of any age.

Both workers under the CLT (Consolidation of Labor Laws) regime and BPC beneficiaries will be impacted by the new salary adjustment. The change not only affects workers' remuneration, but also the value of the monthly benefit granted to elderly or disabled people who depend on the program to guarantee their subsistence when they no longer have family support at their disposal.

New value of the BPC (Continuous Payment Benefit)

Following what was determined by Lula, from May onwards, BPC beneficiaries will have their payments readjusted to the new value of R$ 1,320. In addition, the value will also be the basis for defining the minimum wage for retirement, sickness benefit and death pension. Furthermore, it is important to mention that the contributions withheld at source by the INSS were not updated.

According to clarifications from the Government, to receive the BPC, each family member's income must be equal to or less than a quarter of the minimum wage, the equivalent of R$ 330. To find out if the amount meets the requirements, simply calculate the gross income of the entire family, that is, add up all the family's income.

Afterwards, this amount must be divided by the number of family members. If the result is equal to or less than a quarter of a minimum wage, the applicant may be considered eligible to receive the BPC, as long as it meets the other established criteria.

The applicant can search for the program through the INSS Service Channels, at number 135, via the Meu INSS website or application. The request can also be made in person at Social Security Agencies.

More news on the portal: ☕ CaféPost:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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