
CadÚnico has deadline for registration update extended by the Government

On Thursday (13), the Ministry of Citizenship extended the deadline for families registered with CadÚnico to review their data.


Millions of Bolsa Família/Auxílio Brasil beneficiaries who have not updated their registration data in the Federal Government's Single Registry (CadÚnico) for more than two years must have their data corrected by next Friday, November 11th. If this does not happen, the family runs the risk of losing social benefits.

The deadline would end on October 14th, but was extended for another 30 days due to long queues at service points in the municipalities, such as at the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS).

CadÚnico registration update

According to the Ministry of Citizenship, the body responsible for coordinating Auxílio Brasil benefits, 1.4 million families were asked to carry out the registration review process at the beginning of this year, 757 thousand of which referred to the income transfer program.

As of September, around 263,000 families had not yet updated their information. The update is necessary every two years or whenever there is a change in family member registration data. 

Therefore, the update is extremely important so that the Government can continue distributing the benefit amounts to those who need it.

How to update CadÚnico data?

If the information has not been changed or the beneficiary wishes to check whether it is correct, it is possible to access the Cadastro Único App, available for Android and iOS.

If the beneficiary has any changes to their data, they must attend a registration post or a Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) to carry out a new registration update interview.

Families that need to confirm their information were summoned by the Ministry of Citizenship to carry out the investigation and registration review process.

Brazil Aid Calendar in November

The Auxílio Brasil payment calendar for the month of November starts on the 17th for beneficiaries with final NIS 1 and goes until the 30th, when the last group with final NIS 0 receives the installment.

Final NIS numberPayment date
1November 17th
2November 18
3November 21st
4November 22
5November 23
6November 24th
7November 25th
8November 28th
9November 29
030th of November

See more:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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