
Minimum wage: New value of R$ 1,320 is approved by Lula; When does it come into effect?

Luiz Marinho had announced that President Lula should sign on May 1st, Labor Day, the Provisional Measure that readjusts the minimum wage


Luiz Marinho, Minister of Labor, had announced that President Lula should sign on May 1st, Labor Day, the Provisional Measure that readjusts the minimum wage from R$ 1,302 to R$ 1,320. The effect of the measure is immediate, but it must be approved by the National Congress within a period of up to 120 days so as not to lose effectiveness.

Furthermore, with the publication of the Measure, the new minimum wage will be valid from the month of May, but payments will only occur at the end of the month. In June. INSS retirees, for example, are currently receiving, at the beginning of May, the value of the April payroll, with the value of R$ 1,302.00. You will receive the new values from May 25th, according to the INSS calendar.

Furthermore, the Government will forward to Congress a bill that reestablishes the policy of real appreciation of the minimum wage, guaranteeing the restoration of inflation based on last year's INPC (National Consumer Price Index) plus the percentage of GDP growth. of 2 previous years.

According to Luiz Marinho, the policy of permanent appreciation of the minimum wage will be established through a PL, which must be approved in 2023 to be valid only from January 2024. The policy consists of replacing inflation + the consolidated GDP of 2 previous years.

The announcement was made by Luiz Marinho to journalists at the official residence after a meeting with President Lula and representatives of the trade unions.

Lula had already announced the adjustment of the minimum wage

President Lula announced in February that the minimum wage in 2023 would be R$ 1,320 and that the adjustment would take effect in May. On the occasion, the president also announced that the IR exemption range will be increased from R$ 1,903.98 to R$ 2,640 in 2024.

Currently, the value of the minimum wage is R$ 1,302, a value determined by an MP issued by the previous Government in December, which took into account the variation in inflation measured by INPC + a real percentage gain of 1.4%.

For the year 2023, the amount approved by the National Congress in the General Budget of the Union is R$ 1,320, but its entry into force will depend on the new Measure issued by the Executive, which will be signed by Lula.

According to calculations by Dieese (Inter-Union Department of Socioeconomic Studies and Statistics), in March 2023, the ideal value of the minimum wage to support a family consisting of 4 people in Brazil should have been R$ 6,571.52, which is equivalent at 5.05 the current minimum value of R$ 1,320.00. It is important to remember that the minimum wage is a reference for around 60.3 million workers and retirees in the country.

Salary adjustments

According to the Constitution, it is established that the minimum wage must have adjustments that guarantee purchasing power. However, it is not specified how the readjustment should be carried out. In the last 10 years, valuation was carried out based on the INPC (Consumer Price Index).

The Minister of Labor explained that the Government will use the same formula adopted in the previous governments of Lula and Dilma Rousseff to value the minimum: the inflation of the previous year and the variation in GDP of 2 years ago.

Marinho informed that the project was agreed upon in conversations with trade unions and the Government intends to approve it by the end of 2023, so that the new values will come into effect from 2024.

More news on the portal: ☕ CaféPost:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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