
Income Tax 2023 already has a declaration deadline

The Dirf (Withholding Income Tax Declaration) is delivered to the agency by the end of February and, from then on, the pre-filled declaration is offered to the taxpayer.


This year, the deadline for submitting the 2023 Personal Income Tax declaration, referring to the base year 2022, is May 31st. In this way, the time for the procedure was extended, as in previous years the deadline ended in April. Due to the extension, it is possible to present the documentation now from March 15th until the last day of May.

All new DIRPF/2023 rules will be announced at a press conference on February 27th.

The Dirf (Withholding Income Tax Declaration) is delivered to the agency by the end of February and, from then on, the pre-filled declaration is offered to the taxpayer. Those who provide Dirf data are paying legal entities, real estate companies and health service providers. As a result, the information is processed and used to pre-fill declarations for individuals.

According to the Tax Auditor and National Supervisor of the Income Tax Program, José Carlos Fernandes da Fonseca, the pre-filled declaration causes fewer errors to occur and makes the taxpayer's life easier.

As most of the information that will be made available to taxpayers in the pre-filled declaration will reach the Federal Revenue Service at the end of February, there is a need for a deadline for consolidating the data“, highlighted the IR supervisor.

Pre-filled Income Tax Declaration

The pre-filled declaration option was created in 2014, however, until last year it was necessary to have a digital certificate to use it, causing the number of users to be restricted. From then on, the pre-filled declaration was released for use by all taxpayers with a gov.br account who have gold or silver levels.

The information in this type of declaration relates to income, deductions, assets and rights and real debts and encumbrances, which are completed automatically, without the need for typing.

Information in the pre-filled declaration

According to the IRS, the following information will be used to offer the pre-filled declaration to the taxpayer:

  • Dirf of paying legal entities;
  • Dirf of companies in the real estate sector;
  • Dirf of health service providers;
  • Taxpayer information provided in the previous year.

Last year, the Federal Revenue highlighted the importance of the taxpayer checking the correctness of all pre-filled data in the declaration, as it is their responsibility and “must make changes, inclusions and exclusions of the necessary information, if applicable” .

The IRS has its own application (My Income Tax) and a specific website to resolve declarants’ doubts.

With information from Find Competitions.

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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