
Income Tax: Lot of refund released today for consultation

The Federal Revenue informed that the residual batch of Personal Income Tax has already been released for consultation from 10am today, Friday the 17th.


The Federal Revenue informed that the residual batch of Personal Income Tax has already been released for consultation from 10am today, Friday the 17th. Payment will only appear in your accounts on the 28th.

According to information from the agency, bank credit for 179,0065 taxpayers and a total value of R$ 250 million.

To find out if the refund is available, the guideline is to access the Federal Revenue website, click on “My Income Tax” and then “check the refund”.

For a simple query, it is necessary to inform the CPF, year of declaration (2022) and date of birth. If any pending issue is identified, the taxpayer can rectify the declaration, that is, correct any information that may be incorrect.

Of this amount, R$ 150,578,569.86 are for taxpayers who have legal priority, with 4,256 elderly taxpayers over 80 years old, 30,651 taxpayers between 60 and 79 years old, 2,977 taxpayers with some physical or mental disability or serious illness and 10,146 taxpayers whose greatest source of income is teaching.

In addition to these, the IRS will pay another 131,035 non-priority taxpayers.

Read also: Changes in the delivery of IR 2023 are announced! See the changes!

Bank account

Also according to information from the Federal Revenue, the refund is paid to the bank account on the Income Tax Declaration, directly or by indicating a PIX key. If, for some reason, credit does not occur, the amounts will be available for redemption for up to one year at Banco do Brasil.

Citizens can also reschedule the credit of amounts simply and quickly through the BB Portal, or by calling the BB Relationship Center via telephone numbers 4004-0001 (capitals), 0800-729-0001 (other locations) and 0800-729 -0088 (special telephone exclusively for the hearing impaired).

Within one year, the taxpayer who does not redeem the amount of their refund must request it through the e-CAC Portal. This is available on the Federal Revenue website.

Read also: Income Tax 2023: Advantages of submitting your IR first

What is an IR refund?

Income Tax refund is the return of the amount paid in excess on the tax return. In other words, if the taxpayer happens to pay less, he has a balance to pay. However, if you paid more, there is a balance to be refunded and you can redeem it.

With information from Jornal Contábil.

More news on the portal: ☕ CoffeePost:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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