
INSS starts paying pensions for those who receive up to R$ 7,507 in February

Payments for the month of January for INSS policyholders who receive more than one salary began to be transferred on February 1st.


Payments for the month of January for INSS policyholders who receive more than one minimum wage (1,302) began to be transferred on Wednesday, February 1st.

For this group, the remuneration was adjusted by 5.93% after the release of data from the National Consumer Price Index (INPC). Thus, the ceiling for INSS beneficiaries increased from R$ 7,087.22 to R$ 7,507.49.

It is important to mention that the adjustment of 5.93% is only valid for those who were receiving payments on January 1, 2022. Those who started receiving later will have a smaller adjustment.

Adjustment of INSS benefits

Benefits paid from this Wednesday (1) will have a percentage adjustment according to the months of receipt last year for those who retired in 2022. As a result, the percentage to be adjusted will be lower the later the date of payment. start of the benefit. See the adjustment rates below:

  • January: 5,93%
  • February: 5,23%
  • March: 4,19%
  • April: 2,43%
  • May: 1,38%
  • June: 0.93%
  • July: 0.30%
  • August: 0.91%
  • September: 1,22%
  • October: 1,55%
  • November: 1,07%
  • December: 0.69%

For INSS beneficiaries who receive the value of one minimum wage, the national minimum wage rose from R$ 1,212 to R$ 1,302 since January 1, 2023. Thus, the adjustment for this group had a percentage of 7.42%, above the closed INPC in the year 2022.

By law, INSS payments for retirement, sickness benefit, incarceration benefit and death pension cannot be less than 1 minimum wage.

In 2022, beneficiaries who received more than one minimum wage had a percentage adjustment of 10.16%, very close to the minimum wage adjustment, which was 10.18%.

Of the 36 million benefits paid, 23 million receive up to the minimum wage. Today, only 36% of beneficiaries receive an amount above the national minimum.

Contributions to INSS

After the benefit ceiling was readjusted, there was also an update to the contribution ranges for workers with a formal contract, domestic employees and casual workers. Check below what the distribution table will be like in 2023:

  • 7.5% for those earning up to the minimum wage (R$ 1,302);
  • 9% for those earning between R$ 1,302.01 and R$ 2,571.29;
  • 12% for those earning between R$ 2,571.30 and R$ 3,856.94;
  • 14% for those earning between R$ 3,856.95 and R$ 7,507.49 (those earning above the cap also pay 14%)

As a result, the new amounts will be collected in the month of February, as they relate to salaries for the month of January. Payments relating to salaries for December 2022 and those made in January 2023 (which are currently being paid) still follow the previous table.

After the Social Security Reform in 2019, rates became progressive, that is, they are charged only on the portion of the minimum wage that fits into each range, meaning that the percentage discounted from the total value of earnings (the rate effective) is lower.

Contribution ranges for public servants

See below the contribution ranges for public servants in the Union's own Social Security Regime published by the INSS:

  • up to R$ 1,302.00: 7.5%
  • from R$ 1,302.01 to R$ 2,571.29: 9%
  • from R$ 2,571.30 to R$ 3,856.94: 12%
  • from R$ 3,856.95 to R$ 7,507.49: 14%
  • from R$ 7,507.50 to R$ 12,856.50: 14.5%
  • from R$ 12,856.51 to R$ 25,712.99: 16.5%
  • from R$ 25,713.00 to R$ 50,140.33: 19%
  • above R$ 50,140.33: 22%

INSS payment calendar

For beneficiaries who receive up to one minimum wage, the calendar started on January 25th for those insured with the final benefit number (disregarding the last digit after the dash). For this group, payments take place until February 7th, where policyholders with the final number 0 receive.

For those who earn above the minimum wage, payments begin on February 1st, for those insured with final benefit numbers 1 and 6, and continue until February 7th, where those insured with final benefit numbers 5 and 0 receive.

INSS benefits payment calendar for 2023. (Credit/INSS Disclosure).

See the INSS payment dates scheduled for 2023. The dates differ for those who only receive a minimum wage and for those who receive above this amount. Deposits are made according to the final number of the benefit card, disregarding the digit that comes after the dash.

More news on the portal: ☕ CoffeePost:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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