
INSS provides payment of R$ 43 million to retirees and pensioners



Amounts refer to social security and support debts for processes involving reviews of various benefits paid by the INSS agency

Until last Monday (4), the Court of Justice of the Federal District of the 5th Region (TRF5) made available the payment of R$ 43.3 million to 7,176 pensioners, retirees and INSS (National Social Security Institute) insured.

The amounts refer to social security debts arising from pension review processes, aid and other benefits paid by the INSS. To make withdrawals from RPVs included in the sequential range of 2,934,851 to 2,960,452, beneficiaries or legal representatives must go to the bank branches of the financial institutions specified in the procedure movement, accessible through the Precatório/RPVs portal (https://rpv – precatório.trf5.jus.br/). The exception is cases in which the court of origin ordered the blocking by restriction.

In TRF5, more than 36 thousand people will benefit from the release of R$ 281,488,384.16 in Small Value Requests (RPVs). The amount is made available by the Court for all six states that make up the 5th Region: Alagoas, Ceará, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Norte and Sergipe. The credits correspond to the RDB evaluated in the last month of May.

Pernambuco receives the highest amount with a total of R$ 73,529,337.34, which is distributed across 8,367 jurisdictions. Next comes the State of Ceará with R$ 70,679,292.52, which corresponds to 6,940 beneficiaries.

The RPVs relating to the resumption of orders canceled under the terms of Law 13,463/2017 – which provides for resources allocated to payment of court orders and RPVs – will be paid exclusively by Caixa Econômica Federal. To receive the amounts, you must present an identity document (RG), CPF and proof of residence (originals and copies).

See too :




About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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