
INSS may cut benefits for 45 thousand people; Understand the reason

The INSS is expected to summon around 45,000 policyholders to undergo a medical examination and continue receiving their Social Security benefits in the coming months.


The INSS (National Institute of Social Security) must summon around 45 thousand insured people to undergo a medical examination and continue receiving their Social Security benefits in the coming months. According to the INSS, this is a new measure that will resume in-person assessments, which were suspended due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

However, it is worth noting that only those who are part of the Professional Rehabilitation Program will undergo the procedure. People in the rehabilitation process whose interruption date has passed or is close to the expiration date will be summoned.

Késsia Miriam Santos, INSS Social Security coordinator, said that “There was talk of a rehabilitation comb, but this information is incorrect. It is not a revision procedure, but rather a standard professional rehabilitation procedure“. 

It is important that the beneficiary knows the scheduled date for the examination and attends the examination. If the insured person undergoing rehabilitation does not undergo the expert examination, their social security benefits may be cut, as rehabilitation is mandatory.

The Vocational Rehabilitation Program

The Professional Rehabilitation Program is educational or re-educational assistance and adaptation or professional readaptation, which focuses on providing INSS policyholders who are partially or totally disabled with a return to the job market.

Rehabilitation or readaptation is carried out by a multidisciplinary team, made up of:

  • Doctors; 
  • Psychologists; 
  • Dentists; 
  • Social Workers; 
  • Sociologists; 
  • Speech therapists; 
  • Physiotherapists, among other professionals.
  • This depends on the necessary treatments that the insured person will need to help them return to the job market. If necessary, the INSS also provides prosthetics and orthoses. 

Workers who receive Sickness Benefit (or disability benefit) intended for Social Security insured persons who are unable to work or carry out work activities due to illness or accident are eligible to participate in the program.

Summons for expertise by INSS

According to the INSS, policyholders enrolled in the program will be called via notification letters, email or telephone by the Institute's professional rehabilitation teams. Therefore, it is very important that policyholders keep their data updated with the INSS. 

If you have any questions, you can contact us via the INSS Call Center number 135, or via the Meu INSS website and App.

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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