
INSS will pay 1.6 billion to retirees in April; See who will receive

The Federal Justice Council authorized TRFs to pay small-value requests. In total, INSS must pay R$ 1,682,854,041.59.


The CJF (Federal Justice Council) authorized the TRFs (Federal Regional Courts) to pay RPVs (Small Value Requests) by the INSS. They were charged in February 2023, and totaled 117, 914 cases, with 144,984 beneficiaries.

In total, the institute must pay R$ 1,682,854,041.59. Of this total, R$ 1,370,047,939.89 corresponds to social security and assistance matters, such as, for example, reviews of pensions, sickness benefits, pensions and other benefits. They total 66,480 processes, with 84,533 beneficiaries.

According to the Council, it is the responsibility of the TRFs to deposit the financial resources made available. Furthermore, the day on which the funds will be released for withdrawal must be found in the RPVs consultation, available on the TRF portal responsible for payment.

What is the payment of INSS Small Value Claims?

The payment of RPVs (Small Value Requests) is a process by which the INSS (National Social Security Institute) pays court debts of up to 60 minimum wages (currently, the equivalent value of R$ 79,200) being owed to the insured or its beneficiaries in unsuccessful legal proceedings against the INSS.

Small value requests are issued by the courts after the final and unappealable decision that recognizes the right of the insured or beneficiary to receive INSS amounts. Once the Small Value Request is issued, the institute has a period of up to 60 days to make the payment. RPVs are a way to speed up the payment of the institute's legal debts, allowing policyholders and beneficiaries to receive the amounts due quickly.

Insured persons or INSS beneficiaries who won legal proceedings against the institute and were granted amounts of up to 60 minimum wages as a result of the proceedings are eligible to receive the RPVs.

Among the possible legal processes in which policyholders and beneficiaries may have the right to receive RPVs are those linked to retirement, pensions, assistance benefits, benefit review and others.

It is important to remember that to be entitled to a Small Value Request, the legal process must have been judged and final, that is, there is no further appeal. Furthermore, the value of the request may vary depending on the court decision made in each case.

In this specific case, the judge's payment order must have been issued in February.

How do I know if I will receive it?

To find out if you are on the list for the next batch of late arrivals, you need to visit the RPV in your region. See below what the TRF is for each state:

TRF of the 1st (First) Region (DF, MG, GO, TO, MT, BA, PI, MA, PA, AM, AC, RR, RO and AP)

TRF of the 2nd (Second) Region (RJ and ES)

TRF of the 3rd (Third) Region (SP and MS)

TRF of the 4th (Fourth) Region (RS, PR and SC)

TRF of the 5th (Fifth) Region (PE, CE, AL, SE, RN and PB)

More news on the portal: ☕ CoffeePost:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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