
INSS: Contributed value is increased after readjustment in benefits; Look

INSS (National Social Security Institute) policyholders who have a loan in progress should pay attention to the new amounts that will be paid this year.


INSS (National Social Security Institute) policyholders who have a loan in progress should pay attention to the new amounts that will be paid this year. Due to the readjustment of benefits, the installments of the payroll loan will also be readjusted on the payroll this month.

Today, the margin for the payroll loan (income that can be compromised) is 40% of the benefit, with 35% for the loan, 5% for expenses and withdrawals on the payroll credit card and 5% for expenses on the benefit card.

In the case of workers in the private sector with a formal contract, the limit is 40%, with 30% for the loan and 5% for the expenses with the assigned credit card. According to current regulations, the number of installments must be mutually agreed between the institution and the contractor.

Interest ceiling on payroll loans

Payroll credit is a modality where the installment is deducted directly from the social security benefit payroll every month. For formal workers and public servants, the amounts are deducted from their salary.

Compared to a normal loan, a payroll loan has reduced interest, as it has more guarantee of payment. The payroll credit card is used to purchase products and services, and is also deducted directly from the value of the benefit.

For INSS policyholders, the interest rate ceiling for payroll loans remains the same as in 2022, 2.14% per month for traditional loans and 3.06% for operations with payroll credit cards. Therefore, financial institutions cannot exceed this rate limit.

However, according to a survey on the Central Bank website, 38 financial institutions were surveyed and the monthly rates for payroll loans for INSS policyholders range from 1.25% to 2.16% in the first week of January.

For private sector employees with a formal contract, rates vary between 1.5% and 4.79% per month. In non-payroll personal loans, they range from 0.71% to 23.21%.

How to check the amounts of the assigned credit?

To consult the values and the margin available for withdrawing the loan, you must access the site My INSS in the “tab”Consigned Loan Statement“. For those who have outstanding loans, a table with the consignable amounts will be shown on the first page of the consignment statement.

If the insured does not have a loan and is not blocked from withdrawing, the margin will be displayed on the home screen of the My INSS payroll statement. If the insured person has the benefit blocked, the values will not be displayed.

It is important to remember that in the first 90 days after starting to receive the benefit, the insured person's account will be blocked for taking out loans. Only after the deadline can the beneficiary request unblocking. If the request is not made, the benefit will continue to be blocked for this type of operation.

INSS calendar for 2023

For policyholders who receive retirement, pension or sickness benefit from the INSS, they can check all benefit payment dates for this year. The schedule makes payments according to the final number of the benefit card, without considering the last check digit (the one that comes after the dash). This month of January, payments take place between January 25th and February 7th.

Policyholders who receive benefits above the national minimum will receive the amounts from February 1st. Check the complete payment schedule below:

INSS social security payment calendar for 2023 (Credit/Disclosure: INSS)

More news on the portal: ☕ CoffeePost:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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