
INSS: See the calendar dates for the month of May

The INSS opens pension deposits for May on the 25th for more than 37 million insured people. See the dates.


On the 25th, on Thursday, the INSS opened pension deposits for May for more than 37 million insured people. The calendar for policyholders who now receive the new national minimum value (R$ 1,320) runs until June 7th, where all groups receive it.

However, for policyholders who receive ABOVE the minimum wage, the calendar dates are different and deposits begin on the 1st of June and go until the 7th of the same month.

The complete calendar containing all dates for 2023 has already been released by the INSS. The agency makes deposits in different periods for those who receive ONE minimum wage and for those who receive ABOVE this amount.

The Government had initially set the minimum wage at R$ 1,302 in January 2023 and on May 1 raised the national minimum wage to R$ 1,320. The benefit ceiling will be R$ 7,507.49, corrected by the INPC.

The INSS currently has just over 37 million policyholders who will receive payments according to the new dates. Payments follow the same order as in past years, following the final digit of the Benefits Card number. The schedule is the same for beneficiaries of the Continuous Payment Benefit (BPC) and for people with disabilities.

To find out when the INSS benefit is deposited into the account, you need to look at the card number on which the beneficiary receives their retirement, pension or aid. The final number of the Benefits Card, not considering the check digit (number after the dash), is what indicates the date on which the benefit will be received.

INSS calendar for the month of May

INSS policyholders always receive payment between the end and beginning of each month. Payment follows the order of the Card number and the amount to be received by the beneficiary (up to ONE minimum wage or ABOVE this amount).

See payments by period of the year for those earning UP TO one minimum wage:

  • January 2023 – from January 25th to February 7th
  • February 2023 – from February 17th to March 7th
  • March 2023 – from March 27th to April 10th
  • April 2023 – from April 24th to May 8th
  • May 2023 – from May 25th to June 7th
  • June 2023 – from June 26th to July 7th
  • July 2023 – from July 25th to August 7th
  • August 2023 – from August 25th to September 8th
  • September 2023 – from September 25th to October 6th
  • October 2023 – from October 25th to November 8th
  • November 2023 – from November 24th to December 7th
  • December 2023 – from December 21st to January 8th, 2024

For those earning ABOVE the minimum wage:

  • January 2023 – from February 1st to 7th
  • February 2023 – from March 1st to 7th
  • March 2023 – from April 3rd to 10th
  • April 2023 – from May 2nd to May 8th
  • May 2023 – from June 1st to 7th
  • June 2023 – from July 3rd to 7th
  • July 2023 – from August 1st to 7th
  • August 2023 – from September 1st to 8th
  • September 2023 – from October 2nd to 6th
  • October 2023 – from November 1st to 8th
  • November 2023 – from December 1st to 7th
  • December 2023 – from January 2nd to January 8th, 2024

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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