
INSS releases new batch of the 13th; See who gets paid today

A new INSS payment starts next Thursday (24). This month, a portion of retirees will receive the 13th INSS in a single installment.


A new INSS payment started on November 24th. This month, a portion of retirees will receive the 13th INSS in a single installment, in addition to the benefits expected from the November payroll.

The payment of the extra bonus out of season, as the INSS once again brought forward the payment this year, will only apply to those who started receiving social security benefits from May 2022 onwards.

The National Social Security Institute (INSS) returned to paying the thirteenth of retirees and pensioners in November. A new group will be entitled to the extra amount that had the schedule brought forward in 2022. Thus, this group will receive the amounts referring to the extra salary in one go.

In 2022, INSS paid the thirteenth in two advance installments. The first installment of 50% of the benefit was deposited together with the April payroll, with payment starting on the 25th. The second part of the 13th was paid together with the May payroll, between May 25th and June 7th .

INSS calendar for the month of November

As with previous installments, the 13th will be transferred together with the November payroll payments, which began on November 24th. The deposit for policyholders begins with those who receive benefits worth one minimum wage (R$ 1,212).

A week later, on December 1st, the INSS will begin releasing payments to those earning above this ceiling. See the INSS calendar dates for November:

For insured people who receive up to the minimum wage:

Final NIS numberPayment date
1November 24th
2November 25th
3November 28th
4November 29
530th of November
6December 1
7December 2
8December 5th
9December 6
0December 7th

For insured people who earn above the minimum wage:

Final NIS numberPayment date
1 and 6December 1
2 and 7December 2
3 and 8December 5th
4 and 9December 6
5 and 0December 7th

Who can receive INSS 13th?

The 13th INSS is paid to insured persons who receive Social Security benefits, such as retirement, death pension, accident benefit, incarceration benefit and temporary incapacity benefit (formerly sickness benefit). 

For the insured to find out if they are entitled to the thirteenth payment paid in November, simply consult the Meu INSS website or App. The agency's portal informs the date on which the money will be deposited, the value of the benefit, payment statements from previous months and other services such as scheduling and rescheduling examinations.

The insured person who does not have access to the internet can ask questions about the payment of the 13th through the INSS center 135 or even consult the payment schedule in 2022 by checking the benefit digit.

See more:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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