
INSS consignee receives new rules. Stay tuned


New rules for INSS payroll loans. Law approved by President Jair Bolsonaro and published in the Official Gazette of the Union (DOU) this Thursday, 11th, establishes new rules for payroll loans, also included for people who benefit from income transfer programs such as Auxílio Brasil.

Furthermore, an injunction (MP), also published this Thursday, changes loan rules for federal employees. 

New law for INSS payroll

Consignado do INSS recebe novas regras. Fique atento

The new law stems from a parliament issued by Bolsonaro in March and approved by Congress in July. The text defines that beneficiaries of federal income transfer programs will be able to authorize the discount of their benefit by up to 40 to amortize loan and financing payments.

The way these loans are made has not yet been regulated. As GLOBO revealed, the government is expected to publish a decree this week establishing the rules for INSS payroll. The Salary Loan Regulation should not establish a limit on the interest that banks can charge, unlike loans to other public entities, such as B. INSS pensioners.

Individuals who receive the Continuous Payment Benefit (BPC) could already allocate 40% of the resources to loans. Now, the law increases this margin to 45, with 5 intended exclusively for the amortization of expenses incurred with a credit card and another 5 for expenses incurred with a benefit card.

Law covers beyond the INSS provisions

When sanctioning the law, Bolsonaro vetoed some points that had been taken up by Congress. One of them was to increase the salary range for public servants from 35 to 40, which could be used to pay off loans. The government claimed there were inaccuracies in the route. However, the president issued a new MP this Thursday that reintroduced the margin increase, but further detailed the rules.

See too:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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