
INSS: Retirements and pensions have new rules this year; see what they are

According to the INSS, the retirement score based on contribution time and age changed in 2023 for men and women.


The Social Security Reform came into force in 2019 and since then automatic transitional regulations have been created for the receipt of retirement and death pensions. Therefore, the rules for granting benefits are changed every year.

Anyone who intends to retire now in 2023 through the INSS (National Social Security Institute) should pay attention to the changes. According to the INSS, the retirement score based on contribution time and age changed in 2023 for men and women. The rules for receiving death benefits will not change until 2024.

Retirement is a social security benefit, guaranteed by law, paid to incapacitated people, with advanced age, length of service or contribution time, in the form of monthly remuneration.

INSS retirement by age for women: According to the transition rule, an increase of six months is established for each year for women, until reaching 62 years old in 2023. Through the Pension Reform, which was enacted in November 2019, the minimum age was 60 years old, rising to 60 and a half years old in January 2020. In January 2021, the minimum age will be 61 years old. In January last year, it became 61 and a half years old. Now, this year, the minimum age has reached 62 years.

Retirement by age through the INSS for men: For men, the minimum retirement age has been 65 since 2019. For both sexes, the minimum contribution period required is 15 years.

202463 and 6 months58 and 6 months
202664 and 6 months59 and 6 months
20286560 and 6 months
20306561 and 6 months
Source: National Social Security Institute (INSS)

Point transition rules in 2023

Retirement by time of contribution: In this case, the employee's age and seniority are added to calculate the score. In January this year, the minimum number of points rose to 90 for women and 100 for men. Furthermore, the minimum contribution time of 35 years for men and 30 years for women must be observed.

In this transition rule introduced by the Pension Reform, one point must be increased each year until reaching 100 points for women in 2023 and 105 points for men in 2028.

See below what the transition looks like by points until 2033:

YEARAge + contribution time (men)Age + contribution time (women)
Source: National Social Security Institute (INSS)

Minimum age + contribution time: For this rule, which provides for a lower minimum age for people with longer contribution time, the minimum age in 2023 increased to 58 years for women and 63 years for men. Under the Social Security Reform, an additional 6 months must be added to the minimum ages each year, until 62 years old for women and 65 years old for men are reached in 2031. In both cases, the minimum contribution time required is 30 years for women and 35 years for men.

INSS death pension in 2023

As stipulated in Law 13,135 of 2015, every three years an additional year is added to the age for receiving the death pension. Due to the last change in 2021, the increase in the minimum age of pensioners will only occur in 2024.

Currently, pensioners under 22 years of age receive the pension for up to three years. The range increases to six years between 22 and 27 years the range increases to six years, 28 to 30 years is 10 years, pensioners from 31 to 41 years the range is 15 years and from 42 to 44 the range goes for 20 years. Only after the age of 45 does the pension become lifelong.

The measure applies to new pensioners. For old beneficiaries – who received a pension before retirement – they continue to have the acquired right.

Check below the rules for the duration of the death pension in 2023:

Spouse's agePension period
Under 22 years old3 years
Between 22 and 27 years old6 years
Between 28 and 30 years old10 years
Between 31 and 41 years old15 years
Between 42 and 44 years old20 years
From 45 years oldLifetime
Source: National Social Security Institute (INSS)

How do I request INSS retirement?

To request retirement, it is necessary to meet the requirements that are required by the benefit. The request can be made at number 135, via the Meu INSS app or via INSS portal. It is important to pay attention to the benefit, as there are specific document requests for each modality.

More news on the portal: ☕ CoffeePost:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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