
INSS: Queue to receive benefits reaches 5.5 million


The Federal Government's transition team said that the queue to receive benefits from the INSS (National Social Security Institute) already reaches 5.5 million Brazilians waiting to receive a benefit.

The survey refers to the month of September 2022 and includes people who have been waiting for more than 45 days (maximum period for evaluation) to receive any benefit, such as retirement and sickness benefit, and also citizens who filed appeals after the benefit is denied.

The lawyer and member of the government transition group that deals with social security, Fabiano Silva dos Santos, says that the team's intention is to rescue Dataprev.

The Government's Dataprev system

Dataprev is the public company responsible for processing and paying benefits for the Ministry of Social Security. “It's a broken company. You have to hold competitions to get more people to work there because in addition to INSS, they also serve Auxílio Brasil“, he explains.

The system is responsible for the technology of government social programs, in which around 35 million social benefits are processed monthly. The body began working for the Ministry of Economy during Jair Bolsonaro's administration.

During his presidential campaign, president-elect Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) defended the reorganization of the Ministry of Social Security.

Strengthening INSS Social Security

For the lawyer, there is a great need to reinforce Social Security, also by INSS members themselves. “We need to restore good service at the institute“, says Santos. Nowadays, the group must offer Social Security a report of suggestions so that they can be put into practice in 2023.

Since the use of a robot to analyze INSS benefit requests, more requests began to be automatically denied. This happens because registrations usually contain errors and need to be analyzed by a server, not by a robot, experts say.

When the benefit is denied by Artificial Intelligence, the citizen leaves the analysis queue and enters the appeal queue. Furthermore, the Social Security Appeals Council's online panel with data from Dataprev, which publishes information such as the number of processes and appeals received, has not been updated since September.

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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