
INSS: Deadline to request benefits without medical expertise is extended

The INSS extended the granting of the disability benefit without a medical report for another 90 days, only with an examination of the documents, if the insured waits more than 30 days for the examination.


The INSS extended the granting of the disability benefit without a medical report for another 90 days, only with an examination of the documents, if the insured waits more than 30 days for the examination.

The postponement was guaranteed by Joint Ordinance MTP/INSS nº 40 and signed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security (MTP). The document was published in the Official Gazette on Thursday, the 20th.

Since July, after long queues of policyholders for expert examinations, the INSS opted for this type of analysis. The government had already extended the procedure for another 60 days in August. Now the modality lasts for another three months.

How can I request INSS benefits without medical expertise?

If the insured person requests the benefit through the application or My INSS website without medical expertise, you will be informed that the benefit granted will last a maximum of 90 days, even if they are not continuous. 

If the duration of benefits exceeds 90 days, the insured must request an in-person examination.

Another issue is that the Sickness Benefit requested in this way will not be entitled to appeal or request for postponement, and also a new grant through document analysis does not reinstate a previously released benefit.

If the insured's disability persists after the benefit ends, the insured may submit a new request 30 days after the last analysis.

See how to apply for the benefit

  1. Access the Meu INSS application on your cell phone or website; 
  2. click in “Schedule Expertise” and then in “Initial Expertise”. If the medical records are correct and the insured opts for remote care, they must select the option "Yes" and then "Continue";
  3. Soon after, it will be necessary to inform the reason for the examination. If the benefit is accidental in nature, the expert examination must be carried out in person;
  4. The insured will need to provide identification and contact information and respond to a questionnaire about the medical documents to which they must be attached.

And for those who already have the expertise scheduled?

According to the INSS, for those who have already scheduled the examination, it is possible to opt for document analysis, requesting Temporary Incapacity Assistance (AIT), which will result in the cancellation of the scheduled personal assessment. 

In cases where the AIT benefit is requested with documentary analysis in the in-person examination, the date of the original application will be guaranteed.

If the benefit is denied due to not meeting the requirements for remote analysis of documents, the insured has the option of scheduling the medical examination in person at an INSS agency.

See more:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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