
INSS: Voting in the 2nd round will be valid as proof of life

INSS policyholders who vote in the elections next Sunday, October 30th, may have an extra "gain" for their attendance.


INSS policyholders who vote in the elections next Sunday, October 30th, may have an extra “gain” for their attendance. With the vote, it will not be necessary to go to an INSS agency to carry out the proof of life.

Since February, the institute has been using the public database and acts, such as voting during elections, for example, to prove that it is alive. 

The new rules came into force this year and therefore the mandatory proof of life for INSS policyholders is suspended until December 31, 2022, without the need to leave home to prove their right to the benefit.

INSS retirees and pensioners can be carefree

Due to the fact that proof of life at an INSS agency is not mandatory, the insured does not need to worry about documentation until the beginning of 2023.

The process is done electronically, by crossing the Federal Government database, in which the institute is aware that the retiree or pensioner is alive.

However, if the government cannot verify that the person is alive, the beneficiary must be summoned for further verification next year.

Voting in the 2nd round is valid as proof of life

According to the INSS, voting in the 2022 presidential elections will be one of the ways to demonstrate the right to receive the benefit. Other ways to prove that the insured is alive are:

  • Through the Meu INSS application, obtaining the gold seal, or other Apps and systems from public bodies and entities that have access and control certification, in Brazil or abroad; 
  • Carrying out payroll loans through biometric recognition; 
  • Personalized service at INSS agencies or through biometrics at partner companies or institutions; 
  • Medical expertise via telemedicine or in person, as well as in the public health system or partner network; 
  • Vaccination; 
  • Registration or re-registration with traffic or security authorities; 
  • Update on CadÚnico, only for family responsible; 
  • Voting in elections;
  • Issuance or renewal of documents such as: passport, identity card, driver's license, work card, military service or other official documents, as long as they are in person or biometric recognition;
  • Benefit receipt with biometric recognition; 
  • Declaration of IR (Income Tax) as owner or dependent.
  • Even with the validation of proof of life through electronic means, policyholders who choose to continue carrying out proof of life at banks or through facial biometrics, through the Meu INSS App, will not have a problem.

Traditional proof of life can still be carried out

Proof of life through facial biometrics carried out using the database of the National Traffic Department (Denatran) and the TSE (Superior Electoral Court) is also still active.

The digital modality will be another alternative so that citizens do not need to go to an agency.

If the government does not locate any movement by the insured person between one birthday and the next, the beneficiary will receive a notification in the month before his birth about the need to carry out proof of life.

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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