
IPVA 2024: Consult the values and exemptions

Discover the dates, amounts and practical ways to pay IPVA 2024. The 2024 calendar has been released, so keep your vehicle regularized without complications!


See the important values relating to IPVA 2024

IPVA 2024 tax rate values were released – Source: Adobe Stock.

Understanding how IPVA 2024 will work is essential for any vehicle owner. 

In this content, we will directly and objectively address the essential dates for payment, the amounts involved and the different practical ways of paying this tax. 

Read on and simplify the process to keep your vehicle in good standing.

What is IPVA?

IPVA, Motor Vehicle Ownership Tax, is a state tax that falls on the ownership of cars, motorcycles, trucks and buses.

The tax is charged annually, and its value is calculated according to the value of the vehicle (FIPE Table) and the tax rate of the state where the vehicle is registered.

Therefore, the IPVA rate varies from state to state, but is generally between 1% and 4%.

Furthermore, IPVA plays a crucial role in state revenue, being one of the main sources for financing education, health and infrastructure projects, directly contributing to collective well-being.

What are the tax amounts? 

Check the values referring to IPVA – Source: Adobe Stock.

The variation in Motor Vehicle Ownership Tax (IPVA) in Brazil is considerable, as it is defined by the specific rates of each state, established individually by each federative unit.

In São Paulo, for example, the rate can vary from 1% to 4% on the value of the vehicle, as stipulated by the Department of Finance and Planning (Sefaz-SP).

Here are the IPVA rates for passenger vehicles in different states:

Acre (AC): 2%Maranhão (MA): 2,5%Rio de Janeiro - RJ): 4%
Alagoas (AL): 3%Mato Grosso (MT): 3%Rio Grande do Norte (RN): 3%
Amapá (AP): 3%Mato Grosso do Sul (MS): 3%Rio Grande do Sul (RS): 3%
Amazonas (AM): 3%Minas Gerais (MG): 4%Rondônia (RO): 3%
Bahia (BA): 2,5%Pará (PA): 2,5%Roraima (RR): 3%
Ceará (CE): 3%Paraíba (PB): 2,5%Santa Catarina (SC): 2%
Federal District (DF): 3,5%Paraná (PR): 3,5%Sao Paulo-SP): 4%
Espírito Santo (ES): 2%Pernambuco (PE): 3%Sergipe (SE): 2,5%
Goiás (GO): 3,75%Piauí (PI): 2,5%Tocantins (TO): 2%

These fees apply to the market value of the vehicle, available in the Fipe Table of September 2023, a national reference. Therefore, to calculate the total due, just multiply the market value by the corresponding rate.

It is important to highlight that in addition to the rates, discounts for paying in cash may vary depending on the State, providing an additional opportunity for taxpayers to save.



Fipe table

Venal value Fipe table

Check the market value of your vehicle on the official Fipe Table website.

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What is the status of IPVA exemption in each state in Brazil?

Several units of the Federation establish specific criteria for granting exemption from IPVA, largely aiming to promote the preservation and maintenance of vehicles considered older.

Find out how many years vehicles are exempt from paying IPVA according to each state’s regulations:

B.C: from 20 years of manufacture BAD: from 15 years of manufactureRJ: from 15 years of manufacture
AL: from December 31, 2002MT: from 18 years of manufactureRN: from 10 years of manufacture
AP: from 10 years of manufactureMS: from 20 years of manufactureLOL: from 20 years of manufacture
AM: from 15 years of manufactureMG: from black plate or of historical valueRO: from 15 years of manufacture
BA: from 15 years of manufactureSHOVEL: from 15 years of manufactureRR: from 10 years of manufacture
CE: from 15 years of manufacturePB: from 15 years of manufactureSC: from 30 years of manufacture
DF: from 15 years of manufacturePR: from 20 years of manufactureSP: from 20 years of manufacture
ES: from 15 years of manufactureFOOT: not exemptIF: from 15 years of manufacture
GO: from 15 years of manufacturePI: from 15 years of manufactureTO: from 30 years of manufacture

When is the due date to pay IPVA in 2024?

To ensure efficient financial management and avoid possible setbacks, it is crucial to pay attention to the IPVA 2024 due dates, which vary according to the vehicle's registration status and the final digit of the license plate. 

The possibility of paying in up to 3 (three) installments, offered in most states, facilitates compliance with this tax obligation.

It is important to note that to take advantage of this advantage, it is imperative to pay the first installment by the due date. Furthermore, IPVA is collected annually, with half of the amount going to the municipality where the vehicle is licensed.

Therefore, when planning to pay IPVA 2024, carefully consult the specific information for your state, be aware of the due dates and ensure that you meet the established deadlines. 

How to calculate and pay IPVA 2024?

When it comes to paying off IPVA 2024, understanding the payment process is an essential task.

Vehicle owners have several alternatives to carry out this procedure conveniently. Accredited bank agencies appear as a traditional option, ensuring practicality and security during payments. 

The practicality of internet banking allows taxpayers to carry out transactions from home, speeding up the process even further. 

For those looking for flexibility, lottery outlets offer an affordable and easily accessible option.

Additionally, there is the option of paying the tax by credit card at establishments authorized by the Secretariat of Finance and Planning.

Now, let's see how to calculate the amount to be paid:

  • Let's say the market value of your vehicle is R$ 40,000 (Fipe table).
  • Using the standard rate of 4% in the state of São Paulo, the calculation would be simple: R$ 40,000 x 4% = R$ 1600. 

This value represents the amount you will need to pay to comply with tax obligations relating to your vehicle.

See how to save on paying IPVA

Finally, here are some strategic tips for saving – Source: Adobe Stock.
  • Payment in single installment: Choosing to pay the IPVA all at once can result in attractive discounts, varying according to state policies. 
  • Installment: For those looking for financial flexibility, paying taxes in installments is an effective option, distributing the expense over the months and making the impact on the budget smoother. It is important to check state IPVA installment policies.
  • Exemption check: Before scheduling payment, it's crucial to check whether your vehicle meets the state's exemption criteria. 

Finally, you are now aware of the amounts relating to IPVA, as well as the right way to carry out the calculations and payment. So make sure you keep up to date with this tax.

How to pay IPVA with credit card?

Check out the step-by-step instructions for issuing your invoice and see how to make the payment using a credit card.

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