
Lula makes BIG demands for Brazilians to receive Bolsa Família

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva stated last Wednesday (15) that the new Bolsa Família will be announced next week.


Lula’s demand for Bolsa Família – President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva stated last Wednesday (15) that the new Bolsa Família will be announced next week. With it, the government must reinstate the rules for favored families, such as keeping their children at school and updating their vaccination records. During Jair Bolsonaro's government, the program was replaced by Auxílio Brasil, which did not have these requirements. See below what changes with the change of programs.

Lula's demands for those who will receive the benefit

The new Bolsa Família should also focus on updating the Single Registry and integrating it with the Unified Social Assistance System (SUAS), with an active search for people who are outside the program and reviewing benefits with signs of irregularities.

“Next week we will announce a new Bolsa Família of R$ 600 and the possibility of an additional R$ 150 per child up to 6 years old, so that in childhood, when a child most needs nutrition, we can guarantee that the mother can buy food for these children,” said Lula in Maruim, Sergipe, where he visited the duplication of BR-101.

The new values were guaranteed by the approval of the Proposed Amendment to the Constitution (PEC) of the Transition, which provided that the new government would have R$ 145 billion in addition to the spending ceiling, of which R$ 70 billion would be allocated to financing the social benefit.

The Minister of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight Against Hunger, Wellington Dias, has already assumed that the government is working to issue a provisional measure (MP) that will define the guidelines of the new Bolsa Família. The MP has the same force as a law, that is, it has immediate effect, but must be approved by Congress within 120 days to remain in force. Deputies can also present proposals for changes to the text.

Bolsa Família

The Program was created in 2003, during the Workers' Party (PT) government, as a measure to combat poverty and social inequality in Brazil. The program consists of direct income transfers to families in situations of poverty and extreme poverty, with the aim of guaranteeing nutrition, education and health for children and adolescents.

During the PT governments, Bolsa Família was expanded and improved, being considered one of the most important social programs in the country. In addition to serving millions of families in vulnerable situations, Bolsa Família contributed to reducing social inequality and increasing the per capita income of beneficiaries.

Another important contribution of the program was the improvement of health and education indicators for the beneficiary children and adolescents, who now have access to a minimum of food, vaccination and school education, in addition to encouraging school attendance and health monitoring. Furthermore, Bolsa Família stimulated the economy in several regions of the country, as beneficiaries began to consume more products and services, generating employment and income for families.

See too: Families that are part of THIS group will receive an extra payment of R$ 200.00 from the Government!

More news on the portal: ☕ CoffeePost:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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