
Explore the most attractive salaries in the Unified National Competition

Discover the highest salaries in the Unified National Competition and find out how to prepare for this new selection model. Registration open until February 9th!


See the vacancies that stand out in the selection process

Check out the salaries that attract attention at CPNU – Source: Canva.

The panorama of public competitions in Brazil is on the verge of a significant new development: the arrival of the Unified National Competition.

In this context, the search for stability and the prospect of attractive salaries has attracted the attention of thousands of candidates. 

In this blog post, we will explore the details of this new selection model and focus our attention on the highest salaries offered. Continue reading to find out more.

Discover the “Enem dos Concursos”

Developed by the Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services, the Unified National Competition introduces an innovative approach to choosing professionals for the public sector.

Similar to Enem, this model promotes the joint holding of competitions across the country, aiming to equalize opportunities and standardize procedures.

What are the highest salaries offered in the selection process?

The highlight, with regard to salaries, falls on the position of Labor Auditor-Fiscal at the Ministry of Labor and Employment, offering a robust salary of R$ 22,921.71. 

Other attractive opportunities include the position of Specialist in Public Policy and Government Management, with a salary of R$ 20,924.80, and the position of Foreign Trade Analyst, at the Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services, also with an attractive salary.

The distribution of positions is organized into eight thematic blocks, allowing candidates to choose between different areas of activity. 

Check below the ranking of the ten highest salaries offered by the selection process:

1. Ministry of Labor and Employment: Labor Auditor-Fiscal (R$ 22,921.71)

2. Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services: Specialist in Public Policies and Government Management (R$ 20,924.80)

2. Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services: Foreign Trade Analyst (R$ 20,924.80)

3. National Electric Energy Agency, National Supplementary Health Agency and National Waterway Transport Agency: Specialist in Public Services Regulation (R$ 16,413.35)

4. Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock: Federal Agricultural Tax Auditor (R$ 15,897.33)

5. National Superintendency of Supplementary Pensions: Specialist in Supplementary Pensions (R$ 14,010.09)

6. National Supplementary Pension Superintendence: Administrative Analyst (R$ 12,953.29)

7. Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services: Infrastructure Analyst (R$ 12,982.20)

8. Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services: Information Technology Analyst (R$ 11,150.80)

9. Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics: Researcher in Geographic Information and Statistics (Demography) (R$ 10,453.94)

10. Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics: Researcher in Geographic Information and Statistics (Geography/Statistics) (R$ 10,233.67)




CPNU Registration Contest

Access the official Government website to register.

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How do I prepare for the selection process?

Get ready for the test! – Source: Adobe Stock.

With registrations open from January 19th to February 9th, and the test scheduled for May 5th, it is essential to adopt an efficient preparation strategy. 

Use the Gov.br platform to register, choosing to compete for positions within the same thematic block. The results are expected to be released on June 3rd, and the final results will be available by July 30th.

Given this panorama, it is crucial to focus on your studies, understand the specific demands of each position and be aware of established deadlines. The call for inauguration and training courses is scheduled to begin on August 5th.

In summary, the Unified National Competition not only offers competitive salaries, but also represents a unique opportunity to enter the federal public service in a comprehensive and equal way.

Prepare for this challenge, explore your career options and stand out on this journey towards professional stability.

IPVA 2024: Consult the values and exemptions

Discover the dates, amounts and practical ways to pay IPVA 2024. The 2024 calendar has been released, so keep your vehicle regularized without complications!

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