
Consignment margin is increased by 45% for retirees and pensioners. Understand


Last Friday (5) President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) approved the bill (PL) increasing the margin that retirees and pensioners of the National Institute of National Insurance (INSS) can commit from income to consignable credit. In this way, INSS beneficiaries can commit up to 45% of the benefit.

Previously, the margin on loans and payroll financing was 35%. It is worth mentioning that the bill provides for an increase in loans granted only for credit and payroll cards, both with a margin of 5%.

margem do consignado elevada

Measurement for the consignee is optional 

Despite the novelty, financial institutions can also opt for the current model or continue with the 35% margin for other types of credit. Therefore, Banco do Brasil and Caixa Econômica Federal are analyzing the proposal. Other banks, however, did not accept the opportunity for new loans.

Therefore, the INSS warns beneficiaries to examine bank statements even more closely to avoid fraud, as scammers have been exploiting retirees with increased margins to defraud loans without the beneficiaries' signature.


Organizations protest 

The Brazilian Institute for Consumer Protection (Idec) issued a statement against the sanctioned text. For Idec, the measure will therefore increase the debt of the poorest families.

According to Idec, 77 of Brazilian families are in debt, the majority with loans. Added to this is the concern that increasingly high interest rates added to installments could put more than half of INSS beneficiaries' income at risk.

What is the Consignable Margin? 

In short, the eligible margin is how much salary (for government employees), retirement, annuity or benefit can be used with loan disbursements.

Let's look at an example: If an INSS retiree earns R$ 1,800.00, he can use R$ 810.00 of his income from payroll loans.

Many banks have been offering payday loans, so analyze the best benefits before requesting the service.

See too:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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