
Netflix reinforces account sharing blocking with new feature

It's no secret that Netflix is trying to prevent users from sharing their accounts with friends and family.


It's no secret that Netflix is trying to stop users from sharing their accounts with friends and family, but it seems like that's a battle the platform can't win at the moment. 

In any case, a new feature launched by the platform this week aims to convince those who use Netflix without paying to subscribe to the service.

With the new tool Profile Transfer from Netflix, you can keep all your profile settings when you transfer them to a new account. Apparently, this was a highly requested feature and Netflix was quick to deliver, mainly because it would help many users who weren't paying for their services become customers.

According to Netflix, the new profile transfer feature was rolled out to all users worldwide starting yesterday (18), but it was not guaranteed that the feature would be released immediately, so you will need to wait a few days if you don't find it in your app. In fact, don't even look for the new feature, as Netflix will send you an email notification as soon as Profile Transfer is available on your account.

If you've decided to pay for Netflix and want to keep all your personalized recommendations, viewing history, My List, saved games, and other settings, learn how to transfer your profile:

First, go to the option “Transfer profile” by hovering over your profile icon in the drop-down menu on the home page, and follow the instructions.

Remember, you can always disable profile transfer in your account settings if for some reason you no longer need the new feature. Of course, you can't transfer your profile if you don't plan on starting your own subscription. Therefore, this only helps those who wanted to pay for the streaming service, but don't want to give up the full Netflix experience.

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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