
PIS 2023 will not be paid for this group; see the reason

After the government announced the payment of the PIS 2023 bonus to 23 million Brazilians, many are wondering why they have not yet received the benefit.


After the government announced the payment of the PIS 2023 bonus to 23 million Brazilians, many are wondering why they have not yet received the benefit. Keep in mind that payments have a different calendar for each month of birth of the worker. Thus, so far, only those born in January and February have received it so far. See below when others receive it.

Another recurring question is who can receive the PIS/PASEP salary bonus in 2023. To find out if you are on the list of those benefiting from the withdrawal, see below for more information about deposits in 2023.

PIS/PASEP calendar for 2023 – The PIS/PASEP payment calendar started on February 15th and runs until July 17th. The deadline for withdrawal is December 28, 2023. After the deadline, the funds return to the government and are retained until another release.

PIS/PASEP allowance amount – The amount to be received can vary from R$ 108.50 to R$ 1,302.00, taking into account the number of months worked in the base year (2021). It is important to remember that only those who received up to 2 minimum wages in 2021 receive the bonus.

Payment of the bonus is made both for those who are CLT (PIS) and for those who are public servants (PASEP). The amounts are paid to workers who carried out paid work and who meet the requirements pre-established by the Government to be entitled.

Who will receive PIS/PASEP in 2023?

According to Codefat (Worker Support Fund Deliberative Council) in 2023, the salary bonus will be paid to 23.6 million workers, of which: 21.4 million from the private sector and 2.2 million public servants.

According to legislation, PIS (Social Integration Program) payments will be deposited by Caixa Econômica following the worker's month of birth. Payments for PASEP (Public Servant Asset Formation Program) are based on the server's final registration number and payments are made by Banco do Brasil.

See the PIS/PASEP calendar for 2023 below. Please note that the calendars are different:

PIS calendar for 2023

Born inReceive from

PASEP calendar for 2023

End of registrationReceive from

What are the rules for receiving the allowance?

To receive the benefit, workers must meet the following criteria:

  • Be enrolled in the PIS/PASEP program for at least 5 years;
  • Have received an average of up to 2 monthly minimum wages in 2021;
  • Have carried out paid work for a minimum period of 30 consecutive or discontinuous days in 2021;
  • Have the correct information in the Annual Social Information List (RAIS/eSocial).

Who cannot receive the PIS/PASEP allowance?

Who cannot receive the PIS/PASEP allowance? The group is made up of domestic workers, self-employed workers and MEI's. These groups are not entitled to the PIS/PASEP allowance.

How do I check the allowance?

To check the right to receive the bonus and the amounts to be received from PIS/PASEP in 2023, workers can contact Central Alô Trabalho, at number 158.

Consultation is also possible through the Work Card application, which is available free of charge for Android and iOS systems.

For workers linked to PIS, more information can be found using the Caixa Trabalhador and Caixa Tem apps, both available free of charge for Android and iOS.

For employees linked to PASEP, requests can be made through the Banco do Brasil Call Center at the following numbers:

4004-0001 – for capitals and metropolitan regions;

0800-729-0001 – to the interior.

PASEP consultation can also be done online via Banco do Brasil website, which provides a page dedicated to the benefit.

More news on the portal: ☕ CoffeePost:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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