
PIS/PASEP 2023: Consultation opens on February 5th; Look

According to the Ministry of Labor and Employment, in 2023 PIS/PASEP will reach 23.6 million workers, 21.4 million from the private sector and 2.2 million from public servants.


In February, the Federal Government will begin paying a benefit long awaited by millions of Brazilians: PIS/PASEP. According to the Ministry of Labor and Employment, in 2023 the salary bonus will reach 23.6 million workers, 21.4 million from the private sector and 2.2 million from public servants.

Codefat (Deliberative Council of the Worker Support Fund), informed that the consultation of the PIS/PASEP allowance will be opened on February 5th, Sunday.

The worker will be able to consult and find out if they are entitled to the bonus and how much they will receive. The consultation can be made through:

PIS: To find out if you are entitled or what amounts you will receive, you can contact Central Alô Trabalho on number 158. You can also make inquiries via the Digital Work Card app (available for Android and iOS) and apps Caixa Trabalhador and Caixa Tem (both available for Android and iOS).

PASEP: In the case of servers linked to PASEP, requests can be made through the Banco do Brasil Customer Service Center, using the numbers:

4004-0001 – for capitals and metropolitan regions;

0800-729-0001 to the interior.

Consultation with PASEP can also be done online via Banco do Brasil website, which provides a page dedicated to the benefit.

The PIS/PASEP 2023 payment calendar will start on February 15th and continue until July 17th. But be careful: the deadline for withdrawals is December 28, 2023. After the deadline, they return to the Government and are retained until the next release date.

What is the PIS/PASEP value for 2023?

The value of the PIS/PASEP allowance can vary from R$ 108.50 to R$ 1,302.00, depending on the number of months worked in 2021 (base year). It is important to remember that only those who received up to 2 minimum wages in 2021 will receive the bonus. The base calendar (2021) will now be paid in 2023.

According to legislation, PIS (Social Integration Program) payments will be deposited by Caixa Econômica following the worker's month of birth. PASEP payments (Public Servant Asset Formation Program) are based on the server's final registration number and are carried out by Banco do Brasil.

Who will be able to receive PIS/PASEP in 2023?

To receive the benefit, workers must meet the criteria below:

  • Be enrolled in the PIS/PASEP program for at least 5 years;
  • Have received up to two monthly minimum wages in 2021;
  • Have worked as a Legal Entity for a minimum of 30 consecutive or discontinuous days in 2021;
  • Have the information correctly registered with RAIS/eSocial (Annual Social Information List).

The calendar for both allowances has already been published and can be consulted below, remembering that payments start from February 15th.

PIS calendar for 2023

The PIS schedule for 2023 starts on February 15th. The resources are released according to the employee's month of birth and starts with those born in January and February. Anyone who has a Caixa account will receive credit automatically; Those who don't have one will have an account opened at Caixa Tem. Who will receive it? Those who worked with a formal contract in 2021 and received, on average, up to 2 minimum wages will receive PIS in 2023. Furthermore, you must be registered with PIS/PASEP for at least 5 years to be entitled to the allowance.

PIS 2023 allowance calendar (Paid by Caixa Econômica Federal)
Born inReceive in
January and FebruaryFebruary 15, 2023
March and AprilMarch 15, 2023
May and JuneApril 17, 2023
July and AugustMay 15, 2023
September and OctoberJune 15, 2023
November and DecemberJuly 17, 2023

PASEP calendar for 2023

The PASEP 2023 schedule differs slightly from the PIS. In PASEP, resources are paid according to the beneficiary's final registration number (not the month of birth). The bonus is a benefit paid to workers registered with PASEP for a period of 5 years or more, who have been declared in the employer's RAIS (Annual Social Information List), received on average up to 2 minimum wages in 2021 (base year) to work for a minimum period of 30 days in the base year.

PASEP 2023 allowance calendar (Paid by Banco do Brasil)
PASEP Final Registration NumberReceive in
0 and 1February 15, 2023
2 and 3April 17, 2023
4 and 5May 15, 2023
6 and 7June 15, 2023
8 and 9July 17, 2023

More news on the portal: ☕ CoffeePost:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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