
PIS/PASEP 2023 already has a predicted value; See the table

Brazilians who worked with a formal contract in 2021 should receive PIS/PASEP at the beginning of 2023. Without a specific start date, the deposit already has a value scheduled for the year 2023.


Brazilians who worked with a formal contract in 2021 should receive PIS/PASEP at the beginning of 2023. Without a specific start date, the deposit for workers in the private sector and public sector already has a value scheduled for the year 2023.

Between February and March 2022, more than 24 million workers received bonuses of up to R$ 1,212, the value of the current national minimum wage in 2022. This time, the calendar published by the Ministry of Economy included only Brazilians with a formal contract throughout the year 2020.

But why did this public receive it only this year? For those who don't remember, the federal government decided to cancel the benefit payments in 2021, precisely when the 2020 base year group would receive the amounts. The resources that were reserved for PIS/PASEP were directed to other ministries and the calendar was postponed to 2022.

For this reason, there is now a one-year delay in payments, meaning that those who worked with a formal contract in 2021 will only receive payments in 2023.

Salary bonus schedule in 2023

The postponement of the 2021 base year bonus calendar was not the only change made by the government. Following the guidelines, CODEFAT (Worker Support Fund Deliberative Council) decided to make a change in the dynamics of deposits. 

Previously, the PIS/PASEP schedule started in July and ended in June of the following year. Payments were made following the worker's month of birth.

The payment method changed in 2022. The government released the money into workers' accounts between February 8th and March 31st. Thus, two groups were able to withdraw the salary bonus each week, and in just over a month the calendar was complete. 

The new system worked well and should also remain in force in 2023. Therefore, from February onwards, workers in the 2021 base year should already know the date on which they will receive the salary bonus.

PIS/PASEP allowance value table for 2023

The end is approaching, so why doesn't the salary bonus have a defined amount yet? This question can be answered by understanding how the value of PIS/PASEP is decided.

Every year, this amount is paid in proportion to the months worked during the base year of the schedule, but never exceeds the minimum wage limit.

Thus, anyone who worked a full 12 months in 2020 received the equivalent of a minimum wage in 2022 (R$ 1,212). Those who worked for six months received half of that amount (R$ 606) and so on.

It turns out that the exact value of the national minimum wage will only be defined in January 2023, when the final balance of the INPC (Consumer Price Index) is released, which is responsible for the readjustment of the national minimum value, INSS pensions, and others benefits.

Currently, the forecast made by the government is that the INPC will close 2022 at 7.41%, which would cause the minimum wage to be readjusted in 2023 to R$ 1,302.

Another fact that could change the value of PIS/PASEP in 2023 is the Lula government's plan to grant a real increase of 1.4%. In this case, the minimum wage would increase a little further, reaching R$ 1,320. To make this real increase viable, the elected government needs the Transition PEC to be approved. 

See the predicted values for the PIS/PASEP bonus in 2023, considering the proposed minimum wage of R$ 1,320:

Proportion (months worked)Value of the allowance PREDICTED for 2023
1R$ 110.00
2R$ 220.00
3R$ 330.00
4R$ 440.00
5R$ 550.00
6R$ 660.00
7R$ 770.00
8R$ 880.00
9R$ 990.00
10R$ 1,100.00
11R$ 1,210.00
12R$ 1,320.00

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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