
PIS/PASEP: Triple withdrawal is released to beneficiaries


The triple withdrawal of PIS (Social Integration Program)/Pasep (Public Servant Asset Training Program) concerns 3 different alternatives where the worker can obtain their assets related to the programs. The chances lie in forgotten assets, that is, values to which the citizen is entitled but has not yet withdrawn.

It is worth noting that none of the 3 triple withdrawal possibilities are associated with the salary bonus for the base year 2021, as the benefit does not yet have a specific forecast of when it will occur.

Who is entitled to the PIS/Pasep triple withdrawal? 


The forgotten credits are for three benefits, namely: Annual Salary Allowance Base 2020, Annual Salary Allowance Base 2019 and PIS/Pasep Quotas. Check the number of workers entitled to the values of each benefit:

PIS/Pasep quotas – 10 million; 

Salary bonus base year 2020 – 470 thousand; 

Salary bonus base year 2019 – 320 thousand;

There may be cases where people are entitled to the values of all three benefits and others can only receive one of them.

PIS/PASEP: Saque triplo é liberado para beneficiários

PIS/Pasep quotas 

This case refers to resources credited to the PIS/Pasep Fund in 1970 and 1988. This is not a salary bonus, as the benefit is only released once to eligible employees.

Who is eligible for this triple withdrawal modality? 

The PIS/Pasep rates apply to workers who had a formal contract between 1971 and October 4, 1988. Both private sector employees and public servants can be involved. If a person entitled has died, his legal heirs can withdraw the remainder.

How do I make payment? 

Workers can withdraw their resources in two ways, namely:

At Caixa branches – go to the bank in person with an official document with photo; 

Via Meu FGTS – Download the app (available for Android and iOS) and transfer the amount to a current account.

Salary bonus for the base year 2020 


The benefit of this triple withdrawal modality refers to the months worked in 2020. The payment calendar ended in March this year, but those who have not yet withdrawn the available resources can do so until the end of this year.

Who is eligible for this triple withdrawal modality? 

Workers who meet these criteria: 

Have worked at least 30 days in 2020 with a formal contract; 

Have an average salary of up to two minimum wages in 2020; 

Be registered with PIS/Pasep for at least 5 years in 2020; 

After the employee has properly forwarded the data to RAIS (Annual List of Social Information).

If you fall into one of the situations, find out more about your right to the benefit in the Digital Work Card application.

How do I make payment? 

With PIS, payment can be made on the Caixa app or at bank branches. 

At Pasep, payment can be made through the Banco do Brasil app or at its branches.

Salary Allowance for the Base Year 2019 

The benefit is for employees who had a formal contract in 2019 and did not withdraw funds between July 2020 and June 2021, when the bonus was released.

How to withdraw? 

In this case, withdrawal must be requested, this can be done through the channels below:

In the regional physical units of the Department of Labor; 

By email to:[email protected] – change the uf to the one that refers to your state. Examples: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected].

See too:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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