
PIS/PASEP: Calendar for the 2021 base year is released by Caixa

Millions of workers will receive a new PIS/PASEP bonus payment from February this year.


Millions of workers will receive a new PIS/PASEP bonus payment from February this year. Caixa Econômica Federal, responsible for depositing PIS for private sector workers, has already released the dates of the payment calendar for the 2021 base year, which begins on February 15th.

The PIS/PASEP 2023 bonus will be paid to workers who carried out paid work for a minimum period of 30 days during the base year (2021).

Furthermore, to be entitled to the benefit, you must be registered with PIS/PASEP for at least 5 years, have received an average monthly remuneration of up to 2 minimum wages (value of R$ 1,100 in 2021) and have the data duly informed by the employer in the Annual Social Information List (RAIS).

It is estimated that 23.6 million Brazilians will be eligible to receive PIS/PASEP in 2023. Due to the decision to postpone payment of the bonus in 2021, the PIS/PASEP calendar was delayed by one year.

Thus, in 2022 the bonus for the base year 2020 was paid and in 2024 the amount must be deposited for those who worked with a formal contract last year.

PIS calendar for 2023

Workers who have a checking or savings account at Caixa Econômica will receive the amount automatically, following the payment schedule. The others receive the amounts in a digital social savings account, at Caixa Tem, also following their birth order.

  • Born in January and February: receive payment from February 15th;
  • Born in March and April: receive payment from March 15th;
  • Born in May and June: receive from April 17th;
  • Born in July and August: receive payment from May 15th;
  • Born in September and October: receive payment from June 15th;
  • Born in November and December: receive from July 17th.

PASEP calendar for 2023

Public servants, who receive PASEP deposited by Banco do Brasil, receive the money following the worker's final registration number. In this case, in the months of February and March deposits will only occur for one group. See the scheduled dates below:

  • End of registration 0: receive from February 15th;
  • End of registration 1: receive from March 15th;
  • End of registration 2 and 3: receive from April 17th;
  • End of registration 4 and 5: receive from May 15th;
  • End of registration 6 and 7: receive from June 15th;
  • End of registration 8 and 9: receive from July 17th.

All PIS and PASEP payments will have a withdrawal deadline of December 28, 2023.

Where can I check the PIS/PASEP allowance?

There are a few ways to check the PIS/PASEP allowance:

  • Through the Caixa Tem app;
  • Through the Caixa Trabalhador app;
  • Through the Citizen Portal;
  • Via the Caixa Citizen Service – 0800 726 0207.

Caixa will release the query for the PIS/PASEP allowance for the base year 2021 from February 8th on the channels provided above.

For public servants, the PASEP consultation can be carried out using the CPF or PASEP registration number on the Banco do Brasil website. Registration with PASEP can be checked on the server's Work Card.

Another way to check the PIS allowance is by accessing the Digital Work Card (CTPS Digital) application. In the application, the employee will be able to check information about all employment contracts (old and current), such as the period worked, average salary, vacation notes and the PIS/PASEP number.

“Salary bonus not found”, what does that mean?

For now, when logging into the CPTS Digital application to check the 2021 allowance, information about the withdrawal rounds that will be released this year is not displayed. Therefore, the app displays “No Salary Allowance was found”.

The worker can consult regarding the processing of their social information (RAIS/eSocial), identification, granting, and value of the benefit through the Digital Work Card App or on the Gov.BR Portal.

Value of the PIS/PASEP allowance for this year

The maximum ceiling for the PIS/PASEP allowance is up to one minimum wage, according to Law No. 7,998/90. In this way, the value of the salary bonus will be proportional to the period worked with a formal contract, with the entire value of the minimum wage (R$ 1,320 this year) paid to those who worked during the 12 months of the year.

Those who worked only 30 days will receive only 1/12 of the amount, check the PIS/PASEP amount for this year in the table below:

Proportion (months worked)Value of the allowance PREDICTED for 2023
1R$ 108.50
2R$ 217.00
3R$ 325.50
4R$ 434.00
5R$ 542.50
6R$ 651.00
7R$ 759.50
8R$ 868.00
9R$ 976.50
10R$ 1,085.00
11R$ 1,193.50
12R$ 1,302.00

More news on the portal: ☕ CoffeePost:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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