
Is PIS-PASEP for those who worked in 2022 already being paid? Understand the calendar

The annual PIS/PASEP bonus is the right of a specific group of workers. Payment used to be for the previous year and proportional to working time


O annual PIS/PASEP allowance it is the right of a specific group of workers. Payment used to be for the previous year and proportional to the time worked with a formal contract, but a delay in 2020 changed the program calendar.

Due to the emergency benefits created at the beginning of the pandemic, the funds that would have been allocated to workers' PIS/PASEP in 2020 were compromised. Now, the payment of the bonus refers to the length of service provided two years ago. Therefore, those who were hired under the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT) in 2021 will receive in 2023.

The payment you will have 2022 as base year is scheduled to be carried out in 2024. So far, there has been no statement from the Federal Government regarding the resolution of the calendar delay.

Who is entitled to the Pis/Pasep that will be paid in 2023?

It is not enough to have worked with a formal contract in 2021 to be entitled to the PIS/PASEP allowance. The programs, which are aimed at both employees of private companies and public servants, impose other conditions to qualify the beneficiaries of the funds. Check below all the requirements to receive payment.

  • Have a work permit for at least five years;
  • Have carried out formal work activity (signed contract) for at least 30 days in 2021;
  • Have received a monthly salary of two minimum wages or less in 2021;
  • Have your data sent in the Annual Social Information List (RAIS) by the contracting company.

The maximum amount that a worker can receive from PIS/PASEP is the equivalent to a minimum wage. In other words, in 2023, those who formally worked throughout 2021 will be entitled to a bonus of R$ 1,302. Deposits will be made between the months of February and July. 

Check out the list below that describes how much workers will receive in 2023 according to the length of formal service provided in the base year 2021.

  • 1 month worked – R$ 109.00;
  • 2 months worked – R$ 217.00;
  • 3 months worked – R$ 326.00;
  • 4 months worked – R$ 434.00;
  • 5 months worked – R$ 543.00;
  • 6 months worked – R$ 651.00;
  • 7 months worked – R$ 760.00;
  • 8 months worked – R$ 868.00;
  • 9 months worked – R$ 977.00;
  • 10 months worked – R$ 1,085.00;
  • 11 months worked – R$ 1,194.00;
  • 12 months worked – R$ 1,302.00.

PIS 2023 calendar (based on month of birth)

  • January – February 15;
  • February – February 15;
  • March – March 15;
  • April – March 15;
  • May – April 17;
  • June – April 17;
  • July – May 15;
  • August – May 15th;
  • September – June 15;
  • October – June 15;
  • November – July 17;
  • December – July 17th.

PASEP 2023 Calendar

  • End of registration 0 – February 15th;
  • End of registration March 1 – 15;
  • End of registration 2nd – 17th April;
  • End of registration April 3 – 17;
  • End of registration May 4th – 15th;
  • End of registration May 5th – 15th;
  • End of registration June 6th – 15th;
  • End of registration June 7th – 15th;
  • End of registration July 8th – 17th.

With information from PronaTEC.

More news on the portal: ☕ CoffeePost:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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