
PIS/PASEP: Deadline for withdrawing the benefit is closed by Caixa; See who could lose the money

Needing money for the end of the year? Please be aware that you may have forgotten amounts pending to be withdrawn, relating to PIS/PASEP for the year 2019.


Needing money for the end of the year? Be aware that you may have forgotten amounts pending to be withdrawn, relating to PIS/PASEP for the year 2019. But you need to be quick, as the deadline for withdrawing the amount ends in December. Therefore, it is important to hurry, so as not to lose the values.

According to the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, many workers are still entitled to withdraw the PIS/PASEP bonus for the base year 2019. The amount is still available, but many people do not even know they have this money.

According to a survey released by the Ministry of Economy, around 220 thousand people had not yet withdrawn their benefit resources for the year 2019.

Forgotten PIS/PASEP 2019 values

The money is available to a large group of formal professionals and public servants. The forgotten amounts are up to a minimum wage of R$ 1,212, for those who worked every month with a formal contract in the base year 2019. 

Release for withdrawal or movement of the amount continues until December. In other words, those who haven't redeemed yet still have a few days to get the amounts. The salary bonus is a benefit aimed at those who work with a formal contract and meet the payment criteria. It is valid for workers who receive up to 2 minimum wages per month and have been registered for 5 years by the employer.

Caixa Econômica Federal is responsible for paying PIS, while Banco do Brasil is responsible for paying PASEP. 

The calculation of how much each person will earn depends on the time worked in the payment reference year. Thus, those who worked for 12 months receive the maximum amount.

Those who meet the requirements have until December 29th to move the resources. After this period has passed, it is necessary to wait for a new release, which does not yet have a date.

How do I know if I have a balance to receive?

If you are unsure whether you have the money, you need to download the Digital Work Card App for consultation. Right after:

  • Access the CPTS Digital application on your cell phone; 
  • Then tap the Join button; 
  • Then, add your Gov.br account credentials and tap Sign in. If this is your first time accessing the App, tap Authorize to allow the CPTS Digital app to access your Gov.br account information; 
  • After that, tap the Salary Allowance shortcut button or access the Benefits tab. 
  • After that, tap Salary Allowance for the system to carry out the query. If you are not entitled to the benefit, the screen will display No salary bonus found. If you have one, the entitlement amount and the method for withdrawal will be shown.

How to withdraw?

You can request withdrawal by consulting the Digital Work Card application, as explained above.

Or, it is possible to make the request via telephone, using number 158. And for those who prefer, they can join the withdrawal via email, using the [email protected] (The letters UF must be replaced by the acronym state where you live). 

For those who want to make the request in person, it will be necessary to go to a unit of the Ministry of Work and Pensions in their region with their personal documents and Work Card in hand. The consultation can also be carried out at Caixa branches.

See more:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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