
PIS is released again with values of up to 1.212. check out


PIS withdrawal was reopened to workers after a delay due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The salary bonus refers to the year 2020, therefore, only workers with a formal contract who performed their duties during this period and have not yet received the money will be paid.

It is estimated that around 500 thousand workers with a formal contract will receive the benefit, according to the federal government.

The release of amounts for those who worked last year for the PIS 2021 base year and which would normally be paid the following year had to be postponed and has no start date. Payment is expected to occur from the first quarter of 2023.

PIS liberado pela Caixa Econômica Federal

Who is entitled to PIS in 2022 

The PIS paid in 2022 refers to workers who worked with a signed employment contract in 2020. To do so, they must have been in paid employment for at least 30 days this year. It is also necessary to have updated registration data and be registered with PIS/Pasep for at least five years.

How do I obtain PIS? 

Payment is made by Caixa Econômica Federal. The deposit amount has already been automatically deposited into Caixa's digital social savings account. If you are not sure whether you have already opened such an account, do not worry, because if the beneficiary does not have it, it will be opened automatically. Just make the inquiry on the official Caixa TEM app.

To move money, you can use the Caixa TEM app or go to an ATM, lottery outlet or CAIXA Aqui Correspondents and Caixa branches where you can make withdrawals. If the beneficiary wants to carry out the operations in person, it is important to provide the PIS number and an official identification document.

The amounts are available for collection until December 29, 2022.

How can I consult information about the benefit? 

The employee can obtain information about the benefit in the Digital Work Card application and in the Alô Trabalho Central, by dialing 158.

Caixa Econômica Federal and Banco do Brasil also provide information, as they are responsible for PIS and Pasep respectively. 

To consult PIS (employees of private companies):

  • Through the Caixa do Trabalhador app; 
  • Through the Caixa website; 
  • Call the Caixas customer service number: 0800 726 0207. 

To consult Pasep:

  • Banco do Brasil call center contact numbers: 4004-0001 (capitals and metropolitan regions);
  • 0800 729 0001 (other cities);
  • 0800 729 0088 (hearing impaired).

How much PIS do you receive? 

The employee will receive PIS 2022 in proportion to the hours worked in 2020. The minimum amount is R$ 101 and the maximum is R$ 1,212 for those who were employed in all months of this year. Check out the complete price table.

  1. 1 month worked – R$ 101; 
  2. Worked 2 Months – R$ 202; 
  3. Worked 3 months – R$ 303; 
  4. 4 months worked – R$ 404; 
  5. Worked 5 months – R$ 505; 
  6. Worked 6 months – R$ 606; 
  7. 7 months worked – R$ 707; 
  8. Worked 8 months – R$ 808; 
  9. 9 months worked – R$ 909; 
  10. Worked 10 months – R$ 1,010; 
  11. Worked 11 months – R$ 1,111; 
  12. Worked for 12 months – R$ 1,212.

See too:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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