
Government may cut some Auxílio Brasil benefits; know more


Currently, Auxílio Brasil is paid to approximately 21 million families across the country. However, this number of beneficiaries may soon decrease, as the Ministry of Citizenship added a new category to the registration criteria.

According to the Secretariat, the targeting was created to prevent families that do not qualify for the benefit from continuing to receive the installments. Beneficiaries who do not have their regular data in the Federal Government's Single Registry of Social Programs (CadÚnico) will be excluded from the Auxílio Brasil payroll, which currently grants an amount of R$ 600 to beneficiaries.

What is the focus of Auxílio Brasil?

The focus can be understood as a kind of fine-tooth comb carried out by the Ministry of Citizenship on the data of Auxílio Brasil beneficiaries. The objective is to maintain the consistency of payments for the social program aimed at needy families.

The folder separates families into groups. In this second semester, the situation of families in groups 4, 5 and 6 will be assessed. The list of names of Auxílio Brasil beneficiaries who will be targeted will be delivered to the municipalities.

Learn more about defining groups: 

  • Group 4 (Recurrence of Registration Inconsistency): Families whose data has already been updated this year, but whose monthly per capita income is above the emancipation limit (R$ 525). The benefit will be automatically cut; 
  • Group 5 (Urgent Update): Families who need to update their registration data immediately. Otherwise, benefits will be suspended from October; 
  • Group 6 (Non-Beneficiaries): Families with conflicting information in the Single Registry, without the right to benefits until the appropriate information is corrected.

The revisions are also applied to beneficiaries who receive Vale-Gás. Therefore, in the cases described above, other aid may be interrupted.

The cancellation of Auxílio Brasil

The government issued a warning about the possibility of canceling the registration of some Auxílio Brasil beneficiaries. According to the Ministry of Citizenship, non-compliance with eligibility rules is the main target. It is worth mentioning that Dataprev data crossings occur from month to month.

It is important to highlight that the government does not estimate how many citizens should be excluded from Auxílio Brasil. In any case, it is necessary to keep the data updated in the Single Registry through the Application or through the Social Assistance Reference Centers (CRAS).

Admission of new beneficiaries to the program

If the government promises a fine-tooth comb, the entry of new beneficiaries by the end of 2022 is a promise. According to general information, just over 1.4 million people will be included in the project in 2022.

The entry will be financed with resources from the budget, which was officially released after the PEC on Benefits was approved in the Chamber of Deputies and also in the Federal Senate. Analyzing the entry of beneficiaries between August and December, it is estimated that more than 3.5 million Brazilians will be admitted to the program.

Brazil Aid Calendar in September

The Ministry of Citizenship has already defined the September dates for Auxílio Brasil. The schedule will release payments to beneficiaries from the 19th until the 30th, when the last group receives the month's installment.

Final NIS numberPayment date
1September 19
2September 20
3September 21st
4September 22
5September 23th
6September 26th
7September 27th
8September 28
9September 29th
0September 30th

Requirements to enter Auxílio Brasil

Auxílio Brasil serves the same audiences previously served by Bolsa Família:

  • Families in extreme poverty with a monthly per capita income of R$ 105;
  • Families in poverty, with per capita monthly family income of R$ 105.01 to R$ 210, but as long as there are pregnant women, nursing mothers or people under 21 years of age; 
  • An active registration in the Single Registry (CadÚnico) is also required.

In addition to these basic criteria, according to the Ministry of Citizenship, there are three ways to join the Auxílio Brasil program:

  • If you already have Bolsa Família: Auxílio Brasil will be paid automatically; 
  • If you are on CadÚnico, but have not received Bolsa Família: you will be sent to the reserve list;
  • If you are not in CadÚnico, you must go to a CRAS unit to register, without the guarantee of receiving the benefit.

Consultation with Brazil Aid

Beneficiaries can inquire about the benefit in the following ways:

By phone:

  • Through the Ministry of Citizenship Telephone Center, by number 121;
  • Through the Caixa Econômica Federal Telephone Center, by number 111.

Via the App:

  • Through the Auxílio Brasil app (free for Android and iOS);
  • Through the Caixa Tem app (free for Android and iOS).

See more:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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