
Beneficiaries may have Auxílio Brasil canceled in October

The Ministry of Citizenship announced that new cuts to Auxílio Brasil will be made in October. Know more.


The Ministry of Citizenship announced that new cuts to Auxílio Brasil will be made in October. According to the ministry, many beneficiaries may have their amounts blocked due to lack of registration updates.

The Focus process analyzes information from families that are eligible for the Auxílio Brasil benefit.

So, those who have conflicting information in the database found by Dataprev, and do not update it, will have the benefit of R$ 600 suspended in the month of October.

Focus of Brazil Aid

The Brazil Aid Focus was published in the Official Gazette on September 1st, when the government included and distributed three new groups for analysis. The purpose of the process is to confirm the consistency of the data in the citizen's Single Registry. 

Groups 1, 2 and 3 have already been notified to update their registration data during the first phase.

Now groups: 4, 5 and 6 have a deadline to correct the data and not lose the benefit. 

According to the government, group 4 is considered the most serious, as it is made up of families that had already been summoned through the Cadastral Inquiry or Focus in the 1st half of 2022, but did not update their data. In the case of this group, the benefit may be canceled immediately.

Updating registration with CadÚnico

If citizens want to know whether they have been selected for the program's Focusing process, they must access the system and check whether their registration status is normalized, pending or cancelled. 

If there are pending issues, it is necessary to consult the information of family members in CadÚnico.

For families involved in Focus, they can regularize their data through the Registration Update, in a municipal service network or by discontinuing the income divergence, which is regularized after new monthly data crossings.

The query is made through the new CadÚnico application or by calling the municipality's Social Assistance Secretariat, which has the data of those who need to update their information.

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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